fifty shades of grey


Well-known member
thought it was time the great minds of dissensus discussed this.

anyone here read it?

i almost feel like i dont need to, ive heard so much about it. dont think S&M has gone fully mainstream like this before though has it? youve had things like madonnas sex book and various popstars dressing in S&M gear but this has to be the first time its really ahem penetrated middle england.


Well-known member
I haven't read it. It probably won't make feel as uncomfortable as sade.


Well-known member
I saw this on twitter

...a chapter-by-chapter blog of the book. Its pretty funny (at least the first 4-5 chapters that I read). Judging by the excerpts posted there, the book is really badly written - like a hastily put together blog post Although maybe that's the point - it's an account of a young woman's experience so it's trying to mimic how young people supposedly speak?...even so, some of it is really meandering / shit and you'd think would get thrown out by an editor.

Patrick Swayze

I'm trying to shut up
Fifty Sheds of Grey ‏@50ShedsofGrey
'Harder,' she cried, gripping the workbench even tighter, 'Harder!' 'Alright,' I said, 'What's the gross national product of Nicaragua?'

Fifty Sheds of Grey ‏@50ShedsofGrey
'So, what are YOUR limits?'' she asked playfully. 'Limits?' I laughed, 'There's one thing you need to understand - a man like me has no limi

Fifty Sheds of Grey ‏@50ShedsofGrey
'I'll make you wait until you can't take it any more,' she teased. Desperate, I finally gave in. 'Alright, where did you put the TV remote?'


"Judging by the excerpts posted there, the book is really badly written - like a hastily put together blog post Although maybe that's the point - it's an account of a young woman's experience so it's trying to mimic how young people supposedly speak?"
No way, it started as online porn based on Twilight but then a) it got really popular and b) she was forced to change the characters' names and as a result she published it in its own right to enormous success. I think it's just come along at the right time, I understand that at first it was on Kindle and Private Eye speculated that the fact you could read it on the bus without anyone knowing was part of the reason for its large sales. Then, I guess once it passed a certain critical point of acceptance it was published as a book and it became almost a point of pride to be seen reading it. As said above it has (ahem) penetrated Middle England to an incredible degree. I know loads of people who have been surprised to discover that their mum or aunt or even gran is reading it.
Loads of parodies around too, one in the Guardian when the word on the street was that Brett Easton Ellis was gonna write the screenplay.

The Daily Mash with 50 Shades of Clegg

I'm sure there was another one I read recently but I can't remember what it was.
I'd sort of like to read the book to see what all the fuss is about but I can't imagine that I will ever get round to it.


my idea (c) for photo essay:
50 faces of 50 shades - photos of engrossed readers on the tube
(tho i expect most are clandestinely on a kindle/tablet or whatever, perhaps you could guess by watching their expression..?)


Well-known member
i saw an old guy reading this on the tube the other week - i wonder how many guys are reading it and getting their gfs/wives etc to try some of the stuff in there out.

im always dissapointed every time i see e.l. james interviewed. shes so unbelievably ordinary. i cant even imagine her having a 'dark side', she seems pretty dreary.


Blimey! Is there really so much shit-eating in the book as the generator generates? I wouldn't have guessed that would have been a massive draw in mummy-porn.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Sounds as if butt plugs and quasi-consensual fisting are about as kinky as it gets, judging from the reviews on goodreads (see droid's link on the last page).


Oh yeah, it's a no-brainer that older women love quasi-consensual fisting... anyway, fuck Fifty Shades, that's old news

An erotic novel has been called the “new Fifty Shades Of Grey” after selling more than 50,000 copies in Britain in its first week.
Bared To You has outstripped the sales figures of Brentford author EL James’s steamy work and is tipped to be the next publishing phenomenon

Got a feeling that won't be the last "New Fifty Shades" we'll see somehow.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I think it'd be great fun to write an erotic novel that starts out as the sort of melodramatic suburban S&M-lite that apparently goes down a storm with middle-aged women and then very gradually morphs into this hallucinatory, Burroughs-esque homoerotic body-horror or a snufftastic Sadean rape-fest. You could publish it onine, chapter by chapter, to get people hooked, then gradually crank up the weirdness.
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Well-known member
these books should all be half price because the authors have only done half the work. the women dont SAY anthing.....


radio eros
Spotted this guerilla review on ShitLondon


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps

@BretEastonEllis said:
It's a very major disappointment to announce that I've somehow been taken off the list of possible screenwriters for Fifty Shades of Grey...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Fifty Shades Of SOAS

Their eyes met across a crowded room. The two lovers were drawn together by their mutual interest in the anarchist talk on gender and communism in JCR, and soon got talking over a glass of ethically-sourced wine.

“Let me not buy you a drink”, he said, “because a man buying a woman a drink is reinforcing a patriarchal approach to dating.”

She shivered with delight and guilt. This was her kind of chat-up line, but she couldn’t help feeling a little objectified.

“No,” she retorted, “I believe in the radical notion that a woman is a human being, and I therefore resent your attempts at conversation because you have approached me as a woman, not as a person.”

“Not at all!” he protested, horrified. “I don’t actually ‘see’ gender. In fact, I only know that you are female-bodied and identify as a woman because your hemp T-shirt explicitly says so. No, I see a stunning and bootylicious brain, and it is your brain which I would like to not buy a drink, and it is your brain which I would like to have sex with - with your written consent, obviously.”

This was all to much for her. Throwing caution to the wind, she leaned over and whispered in his ear,

“I know a place. Come on, follow me.”
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