Rebirth software now free (303/808/909 emulation)


Honky Tonk Woman
That is great. I pirated this a while ago but I haven't had it installed in years. Now I can install it again without guilt. More software companies should follow the lead here. DO they really expect to sell 10 year old software? RElease it into the wild...


Bring out the vacuum
I set it up on Friday and tried all weekend to get the thing to download, resuming tiny chunks at a time before it would crap out.

I went back to the site and it now says this when you go to download:

Sept 5, 08:00 AM (CET)

Dear Propellerhead user,

Over the last few days, we've encountered a few problems with the ReBirth download. One of them is that the demand for the CD images vastly exceeded our wildest expectations and the numerous downloads ate all our bandwidth (and then some), bringing the download speed depressingly close to zero. The other is that a lot of people seem to be experiencing problems with their downloaded files. We are currently working hard at solving both these problems.

As a result, the ReBirth download is now temporarily disabled, but it will hopefully be back again in a few hours.

Oh well, it's not like I've been sitting around the last few years thinking "shit, my life would be so much better with Rebirth". We'll see what happens...

Grievous Angel

Beast of Burden
So pleased about this. I've never found anything as funky as Rebirth for drum programming - pisses all over cubase. But of course it's a limited soundset, and the copy protection is a pain (you have to keep the CD with you). What I always wanted a cheap upgrade from Rebirth to Reason -- I could never quite justify the 250 quid.

So I was delighted when I got the email saying there were killing Rebirth and offering Reason upgrades for registered users for just over a ton. I jumped on that straight away. You get a nice t-shirt as part of of the deal.

Jesse D Serrins

Well-known member
For mac they've got just the disc image up to download, so you don't have to load a cd to use. but they've only got it up as a bit torrent download now, which would be fine except that it seems there just aren't enough people w/ it online at the moment to get my download started. Maybe if I sit here for another three hours it'll kick in...