Tony Conrad -The Flicker


does anyone own a copy of this stroboscopic film, or know where i can get one or is it just for museums only ?
Anyone have any knowlidge ?


Well-known member
i don't know if you can buy it, but if you're looking madly after it you could get it in p2p systems (like emule)


Mendicant Deep-Fryer
mms said:
does anyone own a copy of this stroboscopic film, or know where i can get one or is it just for museums only ?
Anyone have any knowlidge ?

There's some options other than "i can own a video" and "museums only", eh? The film's readily available for rental from Canyon Cinema in the US and LUX in the UK ... LUX is in London and at worst a "viewing for students and researchers" might be arranged onsite.

I feel compelled to point out that The Flicker is one of a class of films that aren't available on video for good reason: the experience of watching the film does not happen on video -- it's dependent on (a) being projected and (b) on the apparatus of the film projector, the physiological relationship between the eye and the shutter. The Flicker on video is like watching a Doris Day movie & thinking you've learned something about sex.


Well-known member
u can buy it on dvd from '5 minutes to live' if renting a film from san francisco is beyond yr means.

interesting point re the projector. i'm not 100% sure it's true -- obv the film is about the effect of rhythmic strobing, but doesn't the tv 'project' images at 25 fps anyway? i don't know the science.

certainly being in the dark is an important part of watching it, and having it take up most of yr field of vision is likewise key.