

babylon sister
Any of the glitch heads heard of this guy?

I've been listening to his album Manchurian Candy, and it has comfortably moved itself from really impressive to essential listening. Its this really listenable mix of 8-bit synths, glitchy beats, and some kind of J-Pop sensibility.

Think something like Venetian Snares - Chrome Cylinder Box, only imagined as future pop.

There's one track on there called "Mogood" that is like glitch dubstep, its definitely pressing my buttons.

I've got this fondness for the chip bender type of musician, reminds me of Aphex rebuilding his synths.

These guys are such hardcore nerds that there is this total purity and nobility to their music, its completely unselfconscious, only really exists because of the love of the sound of certain synths.

I know that there have been threads about both glitch and circuit bending, but I'm more interested in the combination of two.

Anyone know anything else similar to this or Chrome Cylinder Box?


haha i forget which track it is now... sounds like a bunch of dudes playing video games.. but i interviewed the guy for my radio show & got him to make a max, and he was explaining how he made it by using a playstation controller to control ableton live, which he put through his tv to make it sound even more 'like a game' while recording the room.....

his brother (hally) runs the video game music website VORC..and he has a great engrish blog here http://kamishimo-records.com/