
31 Seconds
Anybody here post on (

It seems like one big in-joke to me. I never see much real discussion. But it can be kind of funny/diverting.

How would you contrast Dissensus and ilxor?

henry s

Street Fighting Man
I post on find it to be much more irreverant than Dissensus, funnier as well...maybe the topics covered there (i.e. "which Barenaked Ladie looks the most retarded on this album cover?") aren't as meaty, but the off-the-cuff responses are generally quite witty...also, because responses tend to be quick and cheap, trolling doesn't seem to be as problematic as it can be here...and, covers a much broader range of musical topics...(I sometimes find Dissensus to be too Grime/Dubstep-centric for my meager taste)...

my two cents...

Raw Patrick

Well-known member
Some of the best web music writing ever is in ILM. Bcz of the sheer amount of posting there is a bunch of daftness and idling away of the day as well though.

I got Frank Kogan's book of music writing "Real Punks Don't Wear Black" today and on the back it lists places where his music writing has appeared--Village Voice, Spin, etc-- and it ends! It's like living in the future or something.


Active member
I wouldn't mistake in-jokes and some diverted threads for a lack of discussion. Some of the better thought on music that I've read in recent years has either been on ILM or has been based on a past discussion. I'd also speak highly of the individual film, books, and comics boards although a lot of movie discussion tends to go in the "everything" board.

Probably my four most-read discussion-oriented sites are the assorted ilx boards, metafilter, barbelith, and dissensus. I'd say all have strengths although most of my music reading is ilm/dissensus.