Please explain the 'Objet petit a'


Yeah, that's right!
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here and I really could do with your help...I'm trying to get my wilted brain around Bracha Ettinger's Matrixial gaze right now but it's sooo hard! I decided to go over my Lacanian theory but I'm having trouble with exactly what the 'objet a' is. I think it's something like the mark of the separation from the real into the imaginary during the oedipal stage but has anyone got a nice clear definition? I'm waiting for the penny to drop!


Philly Art Girl
Bracha Ettinger

This woman is intense and, at best, somewhat understandable - but that's the point...she writes like Lacan did.
The 'objet petit a' is the gap created by loss of the primordial object of desire (otherwise known as the mother) - find Lacan's original writings on this subject. Bracha works from Lacan, so you need to know him before you can get your mind around her thinking.
Here's today's addition (7/19/2006):
The citation for Lacan is "Of the gaze as objet petit a," Jan-June 1964, Seminar @ Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
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