Land Of Look Behind


Well-known member
Anybody seen this? It's coming out next year over here in frigid Canada, and I can find nothing but a few sketchy (but glowing reviews).


Well-known member
It's on one of my WishLists...Subversive do great jobs on their releases.

That "Dust Devil" set was amazing...not sure how many Subversive titles have already come out in Australia, but we have a bunch of classics to look forward to here. "Funny Man", "Living Hell"..."Battlefield Baseball" looks like a lot of fun as well. Herzog's "Wild Blue Yonder" is on the way next week and I can't wait to check that out.

Mark Savage is an Aussie, right? Are you that familiar with the movies in his Subversive collection: "Defenceless" and "Marauders" sound interesting, but "Sensitive New Age Killer" really seems like a classic.
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