Stripped Bare...


Well-known member
'Raw Power'

Well, the Iggster is a tough bird.
That Elton story is funny - like to see that Creem mag photo mentioned in the article !
A few lives and ladies the Iggy did have , from Nico 'teaching' him ,
Bebe (anyone she didn't do ?) , Ester in W Berlin on Dresdener Str. , Suchi.
His 'do it all , do it all right now' hunger has obviously been enough to keep him running' -
long enough to land from time to time on different lilly pads - Bowie W Berlin after these Stoogey exploits.

Man, that first time I heard 'Raw Power' will never be forgotten.
Skipping school with friends , inbibing in whatever was around , checking out what our friend's older brother had on the record player , 'What is this ?' ... 'Raw Power ?'.
Sheer broken, alien sounding 'rok' , and Mick Rock's cover photos ...


est malade
great read.

listening to stooges makes me nostalgic for those nights out with my former friends, truly the sound of our fucked up lives at one point.

gimme danger sends shivers down my spine, i swear.