Ousmane Sembene


Well-known member
Died at the weekend.

I found his writing and film a great antidote to the relentless contemporary bombardment of humourless representations of muslim cultures. Compassionate and at the same time full of honest criticism.

reading Xala made me laugh out loud, but i thought he deserved his own thread. Though it will likely sink away without reply.

Does anyone have recommendations from his other stuff? I havent got hold of very much; Mandabi... a few novels. Or ideas of fellow travellers to follow up on?


عظم الله أجركم​

rewch lent me a brilliant senegalese novel by
Cheikh Hamidou Kane - Ambiguous Adventure. (1961)

not sure if i ever returned it actually:eek:

i'd recommend any from the negritude school of poets like senghor & or thinkers like cheikh anta diop

also the poems of the sufi saint & early 20thC anti-colonialist resistance fighter sheikh ahmadou bamba

his influence on contemporary senegalese culture is still immense through the muridia brotherhood


his films are great, xala and moolaade are fantastic, he created a way of shooting films which was absolutely african as well, like you notice there are no establishing shots, the way he directs a scene is very different.

i would like to see his films again
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