Seismographic Record


Pioneering Over Four epoc
Dante had at his disposal a comprehensive and intellectually consistent image of the cosmos and its relationship to God.-Harold L. Weatherby, The Keen Delight: The Christian Poet in the Modern World, University of Georgia Press, Athens, 1975, p.5.

In an age profoundly infected with philosophical scepticism the problem of writing sacred poetry, the great song, requires that we recapture a genuine science of invisible things. This can be done through a grasp by the poet of both the external and internal worlds. The poet conveys his creative intuition into a receptive intuition. -ibid. pp.123-149.

The poet, who is a member of the Baha’i community, has before him every atom in existence and the essence of all created things1. There is no break between nature, art, poetry, science, religion and personal life. It is all one, a dynamic unity amidst multiplicity, amidst an organic body of ideas. On the basis of a vast corpus of sacred Writings this same poet has before him a massive body of religious literature. Its frameworks of systematic theology, philosophy, epistomology, ontology, aesthetics, theophanology, history and psychology are, for the most part, in their early stages of development. But the foundation is there for a rich and fertile global literature to evolve within a fusion of opposites, on some ladder of reflection and, inevitably, amidst a complex cross-fertilisation. -Ron Price, The Emergence of a Baha’i Consciousness in World Literature, Unpublished Manuscript, 1996.

You get enough principles here

to build a cosmos in your brain,

to wander with Dante

through his world of keen delight,

to rebuild his model,

a reconstructed universe.

This is far more than mere living,

of simply amusing yourself

like some restless dilettante spectator

on the lounge room couch;

this is appreciation, deep and full,

far beyond a momentary touch of sorrow;

this is some vortex spinning with ideas,

driving its readers into their own memory,

back into a reverie, past depths

and the vagueness of past-times

into a oneness

that is slowly sweeping the face of the earth,

a search that is self-expression.

This universe, this cosmos, this self,

its likes and dislikes, comings and goings,

faults and weaknesses

are one entity,

even in its contradictions:

the oneness of a microcosm

in its egotism and limitations,

walking backwards or forewords,

in some new Rome at the crossroads,

in some solitude and aloneness

which is necessary and unavoidable,

bringing the past and the future into now,

with delicate scents, pulsations,

unnameable tactile sensations,

with an anxiety surrounding

my moments of tranquillity

but with light as the basis of structure

and darkness always at the periphery,

on an inner lifeline of such complexity,

such a seismographic record and sensibility,

such a breadth of compass

within the distilled sphere of these words

and their fusion of opposites.

Ron Price

18 August 1996

1Baha’u’llah, Hidden Words. :cool: