Worth dying for


"certain key players in certain key locations"

There are always others willing to take their place, for the right money. And of course, more security firms willing to protect them, more cops to harass and detain anyone associated with you, media to discredit your ideas, etc, etc...

You'd be helping out the economy, at least.


there are no accidents
"certain key players in certain key locations"

There are always others willing to take their place, for the right money. And of course, more security firms willing to protect them, more cops to harass and detain anyone associated with you, media to discredit your ideas, etc, etc...

You'd be helping out the economy, at least.

hard to argue with that. sigh...

so there is no place for armed struggle at all is what you're saying? that doesn't sound right either...

i love the pieces in the last Semiotext reader hatred of capitalism by Mienhof... so passionate and resolute. "the pen is no longer enough..."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Did anyone see the second part of Britz last night? I thought the ending was a bit, well, melodramatic. I mean obviously a suicide bombing is a pretty dramatic event, but the woman just happening to bump into her brother like that, I dunno, it seemed a bit forced. Although it was interesting that he could have perhaps stopped her if the cops hadn't jumped on him as he was running to her.

(If you didn't see it, it was a well-made if somewhat contrived two-part drama about a young British Muslim who works for MI6 or CID or something in a counter-terrorism unit, and his sister who trains as a terrorist in Pakistan and suicide-bombs Canary Wharf... :slanted:)


Not being familiar with the story of Antigone it seems there's a divided between what was considered proper, as it regards public knowledge and the fact that youth are increasing not giving to shits about the shame of any thing that has or may eventually happen to them.

I've met people that have offered themselves up on the pop-psychology chopping block only to self-id later as attention of the center seekers, on the one hand. Otherwise I've also encountered people who don't appear comfortable unless they insistently and continually qualify themselves as psychiatric messes. It roles both ways these days, but it's still interesting that the Greeks were ruminating what we're still engaged with.

Dying for a cause, nope. Causes, movements, and crisis can be timed and avoided. It's the split second familiar motivation that usually gets me thinking. Like the guy who may have seen what the BushCo's would do 50 years ago and only today regrets not having a gun with hollow points. Family's are too damn important, whatever definition to which you happen to subscribe.

How you do seperate sacrificing freedom vs. sacrificing your life?


I've met people that have offered themselves up on the pop-psychology chopping block only to self-id later as attention of the center seekers, on the one hand. Otherwise I've also encountered people who don't appear comfortable unless they insistently and continually qualify themselves as psychiatric messes. It roles both ways these days, but it's still interesting that the Greeks were ruminating what we're still engaged with.

Umm none of this has anything to do with the story of Antigone.

Antigone is not about being an uptight, priggish Old Empire type who feels the need to tell other people what they should feel "shamed" by.
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Yeah--what does "self-id" mean? Is this supposed to read "self-identification" or "self-Id"? Either way it makes kein Sinn, as they say auf Deutsche.


there are no accidents
kein Sinn

well here's what he said in german, maybe would help?

Nicht vertraut mit der Geschichte von Antigone es scheint Gibt es eine geteilte zwischen dem, was als angemessene, Was sie öffentlich bekannt sind und die Tatsache, dass die Jugend Erhöhung nicht zu geben, scheißt Scham über die von allen Was hat oder kann auch vorkommen, zu ihnen.

Ich habe Leute, die haben sich auf der POP - Psychologie chop Block nur auf Selbstbestimmung id später als Aufmerksamkeit des Zentrums Asylsuchende, auf der einen Seite. Ansonsten habe ich auch, die Leute, die nicht erscheinen Komfortabel, wenn sie beharrlich und kontinuierlich Qualifizieren sich als psychiatrische beschmutzt. Es Rollen sowohl Wegen dieser Tage, aber es ist noch interessant, dass die Griechen wiederkäuend wurden, was wir sind immer noch engagiert.

Sterben für eine Sache, nein. Ursachen, Bewegungen, und von der Krise Gesteuert werden kann und vermieden werden. Es ist die Sekundenbruchteilen vertraut Motivation, die normalerweise bekommt mich denken. Wie die Jungen , Die möglicherweise schon gesehen, was die BushCo's tun würde, 50 Jahre
Vor und bedauert, nicht nur heute mit einer Pistole mit hohler Punkte. Familie sind auch verdammt wichtig, unabhängig Definition, auf die Sie passieren zu abonnieren.

Wie Sie mit separaten opfern Freiheit vs opfern Ihr Leben?


hehe very Babel Fish of you

I love the sound of German, it's so sexy. Especially Hoch Deutsch spoken by northern men who have deep voices and speak sort of slowly and languidly, so the fricatives are more subtle than in southern German accents. Got me an ethnically German and german speaking boyfriend so I could enjoy this often.

EDIT: Has there ever been a "turn ons" thread? Or is that too lowbrow for Dissensus? I guess it would probably devolve into semi-nude images and bad soft-porny youtube embeds.
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From the parable of the "wheat and the tares", where Jesus tells people that you have to "uproot" the bad professing Christians (the tares) and make sure you keep yourself (the wheat) separate from them?

Also, there's all that talk about a little sin "leavening the whole lump"...

Maybe I'm reading too literally here.


Why would Antigone be thought of as a drama queen, when she has the connection she does with her family and wants to bury her sibling? Couldn't tell you. It may be that kids don't care enough about family relations or pick up bad habits from family making them apathetic toward their own (and others) family circumstances.
Anybody who reads German really understand what I said in that translation?

I sometimes use the expression 'I'd kill me own mother for a Bavarian beer' doesn't mean I wouldn't die for her, or throw a car-washer from the path of falling brick. Considering, I'd probably sacrifice my safety for tons of things that don't involve liberating a single soul. Probably more likely to risk donating a kidney than have and take the opportunity to kill a general, though it doesn't mean I wouldn't, depending what I'd take from it, of course.


heavy heavy monster sound
what is a wheat god?

All of those skinny boys that get cut up in mythology only to come to life again. Usually called corn gods but I quite like corn, and wheat's got such a bad rep nowadays via coeliacs that it seems more appropriate to use it as a cuss.


entered apprentice
Yeh- the sacrificial Gods of mystery religions basically... Also dudes like Osiris...

I'm electing not to comment on the substantial point of this thread cos every time I typed a response it looked a little overly mentalist!