Experimental films - ID?


1) It's black and white. A woman or man (can't remember now) wakes up and starts running around a house chasing a shadow figure, over weird violin noises. When they catch up with the figure the first scene's replayed. Eventually, they grab the figure's hood back, revealing a mirror, and smash it with a hammer.

2) Colour, made in UK, 1980. Shot like a documentary, three people are introduced (one's a doorman, says his hobbies include 'opening doors') - they spend the film wandering around London - sort of like early psychogeography.

I saw both these films over 10 years ago, haven't a clue what they're called, but on the off-chance anyone knows....

jonny mugwump

exotic pylon
that first one sounds like it could be Meshes of The Afternoon by Maya Deren- you can get her 6 films on one dvd- check Amazon and wow is it worth getting.

Not sure about the second one but sounds really intriguing :D

jonny mugwump

exotic pylon
large white wine would be grand ;)

If you like psychogeography- have you seen the Patrick Keiller movies (London & Robinson in Space) and Iain SInclair and Chris Petit's London Orbital?