Worth dying for

Why have such a blanket and blinkered (unexamined) prejudice towards 'human potential' and hippies? Many people involved in those movements were and are genuinely forward thinking and striving to improve humanity's lot.

Not really. Not at all, unless you believe that narcissistic ego-mania is the solution to 'humanity's lot'. We covered this extensively before, for instance: Descartes' Legacy: The Century of the Self.
It's always the same sort of people who make these arguments Mr. Tea is making. These people, if you were to advocate banning prayer or the Bible from schools and cite the vocal minority of thumping KKK strict creationist types as a reason why, they would have a fit and cry "PC witchhunt!!" But if it's muslim-related speech, it's fine to ban anything Islamic because a very vocal minority happens to use these ideas as ideological justifications for violence. That's just fine.

Britain still has laws vaguely defining 'conspiracy to commit crimes' as themselves serious criminal offences, such laws very liberally applied throughout the Northern Ireland conflict [1969-1997] and its spillover via the IRA bombing campaign in Britain from the 1970s on. The Birmingham Six, for instance, were arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to life imprisonment for possessing a box of matches. Such arrests were routine up to the mid-1990s, tens of thousands of them, most unreported. Now its the turn of the 'filthy Muslim scum', of course. Hey, I've a book here on how to construct an atom bomb. Would you like me to post you a copy? Oh wait, no need, Wikipedia now tells you how too ...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
It's always the same sort of people who make these arguments Mr. Tea is making. These people, if you were to advocate banning prayer or the Bible from schools and cite the vocal minority of thumping KKK strict creationist types as a reason why, they would have a fit and cry "PC witchhunt!!"

Yes, because I'm obviously such a Christian fundamentalist, and DANG! don't I just hate evolution-ism!!! :slanted:

Edit: in any case, I've said already I'm not sure I think it's right that she was jailed (edit edit: has she even been jailed yet? The case is ongoing, isn't it?), I'm just pointing out that even if you thing it's definitely wrong that she was jailed/could face jail for having this proscribed terrorist material - in other words, you don't think any material should be proscribed, for any reason - it's nonetheless a very different thing from imprisoning someone for "illegal poetry", as Gavin claimed earlier. So please drop this straw-man bullshit about me championing the KKK or whatever, OK? Fucksake.
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Britain still has laws vaguely defining 'conspiracy to commit crimes' as themselves serious criminal offences, such laws very liberally applied throughout the Northern Ireland conflict [1969-1997] and its spillover via the IRA bombing campaign in Britain from the 1970s on. The Birmingham Six, for instance, were arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to life imprisonment for possessing a box of matches. Such arrests were routine up to the mid-1990s, tens of thousands of them, most unreported. Now its the turn of the 'filthy Muslim scum', of course. Hey, I've a book here on how to construct an atom bomb. Would you like me to post you a copy? Oh wait, no need, Wikipedia now tells you how too ...

Now with the Patriot Act in full effect, we can look forward to even more of these assaults on freedom of speech. The Vimothies of the world rejoice!


Pretty good article by Samira Ahmed at Channel 4:

With M15 increasingly relying on monitoring and intercepting jihadi internet chatter, we can undoubtedly expect to see more trials of people like Malik.

Prosecutions like hers may deter others who venture into the virtual world of Islamist terrorist ideology and bomb making manuals; but they also reveal the shady netherworld of some young British Muslims. Was she more stupid than anything else? Possibly.​


The poetry was used as evidence against her at her trial.

Of course it was.

To continue the Neo-Nazi analogy, if I had stockpiled a library of literature explaing how to kill large numbers of people, was a member of a Neo-Nazi organisation, and wrote poems about killing gays and Jews ...

Malik had possession of terrorist manuals + membership of an Islamist, pro-terrorist organisation connected to Bakri (head of al Muhajiroun / Saviour Sect, ex-head of Hizb ut-Tahrir UK) + stated desire to commit terrorism (even if she was lying or merely being a "rebellious teen").

And, in fact, Britain is generally regarded as being the Islamist centre of Europe, because of its disinterested / softly-softly approach to radical ideologues who both call for the country's destruction whilst attending its universities and enjoying its political and religious freedoms.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Yes -- people just like me, who regularly call for the destruction of the kuffar state of Britain, the execution of infidels, the imposition of sharia law and the creation of a global Islamic empire: the khilafah.


Let's join forces to destroy the blasphemy of evolutionary 'theory'!


Let's join forces to destroy the blasphemy of evolutionary 'theory'!

Why don't you two get together and suck each others' dicks? The tension in here--you could cut it with a knife.

Then you can go to a rally and get people all psyched to round up them sand negroes and lynch em.


To continue the Neo-Nazi analogy, if I had stockpiled a library of literature explaing how to kill large numbers of people, was a member of a Neo-Nazi organisation, and wrote poems about killing gays and Jews ...

You would be one disturbed and disturbing motherfucker, but you would NOT be in jail.


Two homophobes dragged Matthew Shepard's body--alive--around chained to the back of a truck until he slowly bled to death and lost enough skin and tissue to cause massive hemorrhaging and internal bleeding. And conservatives didn't want to add HATE CRIME charges to their sentences!! But then conservatives are terribly concerned when it comes to hate crime legistlation and muslims! Imagine that!
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Two homophobes dragged Matthew Shepard's body--alive--around chained to the back of a truck until he slowly bled to death and lost enough skin and tissue to cause massive hemorrhaeging and internal bleeding. And conservatives didn't want to add HATE CRIME charges to their sentences!!


Why don't you two get together and suck each others' dicks? The tension in here--you could cut it with a knife.

Then you can go to a rally and get people all psyched to round up them sand negroes and lynch em.

Would love to but these babies won't rape themselves, you know.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Then you can go to a rally and get people all psyched to round up them sand negroes and lynch em.

Yup, because being concerned that someone is a member of banned extremist groups, harbours violent fantasies about committing terrorist acts and has a large amount of technical information about how to go about doing so is the same thing as hating Muslims. Another awe-inspiring insight courtesy of Nomad-Logic (TM).


Mr. Tea, go fuck yourself.

You know nothing about the American political spectrum, quite obviously, yet you jump on the Vimothy/Fox News mainstream rightwing ideologue bandwagon, NO MATTER WHAT, just so long as he disagrees with Gavin or me.

Hate crime legislation has been a hot button issue here for at least a decade, because we have to deal with so many hate crimes. Yes, I'm going to be angered by people who want to take away free speech to justify a war that's about economic control of the fertile crescent. Yes, most Americans are going to call a Brit who wants to take away free speech because there is a muslim girl writing poetry calling for the "destruction" of this or that country a fucking moron and hypocrit. The most right-wing people I have ever met would be laughing at you right now.

Funny how people like you and Vim are supremely concerned about some girl who wrote some random poetry (she doesn't know *that* much about making bombs, ffs) on her facebook page, yet you make fun of the idea that the FBI might be searching the internet for buzzwords like "terrorism" and etc. But you're the SAME PEOPLE who are anti-hate crime legislation.

And it's MY logic that's hard to follow?