padraig (u.s.)
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  • Hey mate
    Cheers for the mention of Marcus Filly on here a while back. I started following him on IG and his Persist:Minimalist course has been my lockdown salvation. Feel like I'm getting fit again after years and years off. Cheers! Sorry for PMing but I have literally no one else I can talk to about this stuff
    john eden
    john eden
    Messaging system also visible under “What’s new” top left so maybe delete the personal email my man? hope you are good.
    padraig (u.s.)
    padraig (u.s.)
    thx John I didn't realize this was a profile and not private messaging

    things are how they are

    hope you're well as well
    I moved that block off the "What's new" page so people won't see that stuff unless they look around for it, still public though.
    Hey man, like your comments about the GOP primaries. Where are you living in the US?
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