pattycakes_'s latest activity

  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ reacted to Mr. Tea's post in the thread How open are you? with Sad Sad.
    You must have put some tunes on SoundCloud or similar at some point though, right? At any rate, I've got some of your MP3s on my...
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread things in dylan lyrics.
    Was thinking the same
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    But on a cold hearted forum like this its a thankless position
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    I would say being open has a lot to do with being loving, being in love, allowing love to happen to you
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    he wrote this close to the end
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    Burroughs was definitely on the Beckett end of the spectrum but very occasionally hinted at wishing he could be more open. I wonder with...
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ reacted to version's post in the thread How open are you? with Like Like.
    Clarice Lispector seemed quite similar to Beckett, similar suspicion of language and inclination for reduction: Lispector was phobic...
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    Right and you could easily imagine the ultimate act of withdrawal would be to not put anything out there. Well shit, looks like I've out...
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ reacted to version's post in the thread How open are you? with Like Like.
    No, but I think it's interesting when people are pulled in different directions like that. He was constantly reducing things...
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ reacted to shakahislop's post in the thread Boomer Nostalgia with Like Like.
    like a lot of internet-based words the generational words crumble a bit on contact with reality
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    Not that hard to grasp though is it.
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    Circular discussion alert. I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just saying for eg, Joyce vs Beckett is two types of open
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    Which leads to a different experience for the viewer. Both experiences are valid
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    I'm not saying he wasn't open, I'm just distinguishing it from the original point about the Sun Ra, Joni, Jimi types. It's a different...
  • pattycakes_
    pattycakes_ replied to the thread How open are you?.
    Brando left himself open, often to his own detriment Hopper was more in control/calculated about it. Could open himself when he chose...