Recent content by Sphaleotas

  1. S

    Ccru - where are they now?
  2. S

    The cost of ideas

    Poland scuppers EU software patents directive No majority, no more By INQUIRER staff: Wednesday 17 November 2004, 13:53 THE POLISH government has declined to be a party to the a proposed Euro directive over software patents. And that means the EU Council won't be able to formally adopt the...
  3. S

    The cost of ideas

    The cost of ideas The Economist, 2004-11-13, p. 85 It is becoming ever more apparent that the patent system isn’t working Intellectual property is the cornerstone of the modern knowledge economy. But one of the main forms of intellectual property, the patent—a temporary monopoly designed to...
  4. S

    The Power of Nightmares (BBC2 Weds night)

    Petition BBC Worldwide. Videogram rights to sourced music and archives are far more expensive than broadcast rights, and they would only be willing to pursue a DVD release if there's a demonstrably broad interest. BBC Worldwide Limited Woodlands 80 Wood Lane London W12 0TT UK Tel: + 44 (0) 20...