Recent content by s_clover

  1. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    b-but tim, how to we read "belief before belief" vs. "the unconscious is on the outside"?
  2. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    etc. i feel like i'm somehow not fully party to this conversation, but re: zizek and lenin, coming at least from "revolution at the gates" i get the sense that zizek isn't taken by lenin as the purity of the ethical act as such (he'd pass that off as the "secular religion" reading, maybe) but...
  3. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    y? zzk! tim, i think yr. selling the analysis of coke slightly short, and also zizek's attitude towards culture. the coke thing is for me a classic "talking cure" that might inspire someone to stop drinking caffeine-free diet coke as they gradually cease to see the purpose in it. or they might...
  4. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    are we reading the same zizek? b/c my reading of zizek is absolutely *against* a position that aesthetic choices of enjoyment are important. zizek near completely insists on at least the *illusion* of autonomy of the "cultural" sphere and the sphere of the real, and near as i can tell is...
  5. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    huh i'm getting v. confused here, or maybe have been all along. ok. obv everything is an interacting process and there's no absolute individual ego and one can't distinguish the purely "physical" from other "levels" and blahblaahblahblah so yeah everyone shares therefore some...
  6. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    virus ok what confuses me is that music can do all sorts of things that viruses can't. you either get a virus or you don't. but sometimes you hear music and hate it, or sometimes you're unmoved, or sometimes bored, or sometimes annoyed, or sometimes disappointed, or jerked into a moment of...
  7. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    moment of impact the whole social vs. "visceral" element introduced reminds me of the debates over great man history, etc. (& really, as always with these things, it's best to talk them out in the concrete of particular songs, etc. but eh...) i don't think there's ever music you're not...
  8. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    ok, now i'm finding this interesting. because yeah, for me the assumption is that music/art is tremendously disorienting and powerful and compelling at times, and the point of criticism is in a way precisely to transcend that, and tame it by making it something that feels less private and more...
  9. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    aha! badiou! ok, i think i get it? i thought we were talking about groundedness, but we're really talking base/superstructure (the debate over which, natch, eventually went over to the debate over grounding). the question isn't "is music grounded" but "can music change the world" (i.e. produce...
  10. S

    More MIA

    Aijaz Ahmad (and particularly in "In Theory") has been magnificantly devestating about the situatedness of, ahem hem "diaspora discourse". can't find any articles online, but the book is fantastic on Rushdie in particular.
  11. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    popping in again ok now i see how ppl get sucked into debates like these coz it's yanking me too. dominic speaks of "fidelity to the event of the music." but let's break that down. the event of the music is obv. a different event in a different medium, a different setting (any valorization of...
  12. S

    What is good about Pop Music?

    one from the peanut gallery have only sorta grasped the discussion but it's odd from the sidelines -- a recasting of groundedness debates in musical terrain. retrospectively i've been thru these debates myself, but i find them not that useful since in practice we're talking from a critical...