Recent content by Qwon

  1. Q

    Hard 00s Hip Hop...

    Oh and.. it starts after a minute haha.
  2. Q


    Did anyone manage to make it to the Comic Con at Earl's Court on the weekend? It was my first and was strangely a new experience I might add! picked up a few overpriced graphic novels, nearly bought DBZ on DVD but held my desire back :<
  3. Q

    Pointless But It Does My Head In

    Biscuits breaking in your cuppa' tea :mad:
  4. Q

    The Big Hello Thread

    Hey. Been lurking for a while, thought i'd start posting by now. A brief 'about me': Gooner/likes Hip Hop - branching out to alot of other genres in the past year or so/Film/Graphic Novels/Comics/tea and hob nobs. Yeh o/
  5. Q

    hip hop '10

    It's been one of my favourites this year. From his album Marcberg.