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  1. kid charlemagne

    Michael Franzese

    Very curious figure, talks up a big deal of how storied his life was in the mafia and is incredibly detailed and open about his past, going on numerous podcasts and has his own youtube and podcast. talks with the TATES and PIERS MORGAN and is on youtube channels titled like "LADBIBLE" and...
  2. kid charlemagne

    2024 us... what do our ghosts even run on? is this the end?

    what are these bozos running on? am i too young to think that candidates actually ran on their own policies and not "elect me, so this other guy isnt elected". maybe im not paying enough attention, but i wont back either, still deciding who i will write in. Alicia Ostriker 1937 – Do you...
  3. kid charlemagne

    What should Linebaugh's Punishment be if he loses our NBA Playoffs bet?

    Each year, Linebaugh and I pick matchups in each round of the NBA Playoffs and we always come up with a punishment for whoever loses or a reward for whoever wins. So I ask the people, if I beat Linebaugh, what shall his punishment be?
  4. kid charlemagne

    Kid Charlemagne's book club and the use of trigger warnings in media

    Earlier today, I made my return to book club after being away for a couple months. I had not read the book, but as the discussion wrapped up, I offered a book to read next. Yukio Mishima's The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea. I loved the book when I read it a few months ago, and the...
  5. kid charlemagne

    Should Kid Charlemagne do Shrooms?

    I am 22 years old. i dont drink alcohol. i have gotten drunk before, but havent been drinking in over 7 months. the only time i did drugs was in freshman year college i took a hit of a bong in this guys apartment and had a panic attack and was racing around his apartment for an hour then ran...
  6. kid charlemagne

    Lebron James, Jesus Christ, Beyonce, and Messianic figures

    in the year 2024, technology has essentially taken over people's brains. we have algorithms that curate out lives. we live out our lives through other people's feats. our scriptures used to be bibles, quarans, and torahs, but now theyre whatever forum or social we doomscroll through. religion...
  7. kid charlemagne

    Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska and filmic songwriting

    Bit of a cross post here between Music and Film, but Springsteen's Nebraska is one of my favorite albums of all time, a bare summation and culmination of his whole body of work up until that point. It is also an incredibly literary album, filled with songs like "State Trooper" and "My Father's...
  8. kid charlemagne

    Professional Sports in bed with Gambling

    gambling and sports have been involved with eachother since eachothers inception. but over the past few years, sports betting has become legal in more and more states in the us leading to partnerships between profesional sports leagues and sportsbooks, as well as sports netwroks with...