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  1. mixed_biscuits

    Stop politicism

    - Political affiliation has more neurological correlates than some other protected characteristics. Protected characteristics are those that are deemed to be impossible or very hard change, with no good reason to change them anyway. - Therefore, it should be a protected characteristic. -...
  2. mixed_biscuits

    Embers Breaks/Embers

    Are any of you into Embers Breaks? Where do you think it sits in the hardcore continuum @blissblogger?
  3. mixed_biscuits

    Things Clinamenic would like

  4. mixed_biscuits

    The multiverse and modal realism

    Together, let's delve into the true nature of reality. Over to you @HMGovt’s Glorious Return!
  5. mixed_biscuits

    The Democrat War on Transgender People, Drag Queens, and Queerness in General

    Once again I called it early and correctly: when "weird" became a derogatory term the Democrats were indeed signalling that their support for the misfitting progressive darlings was coming to an end as their party shifted centrewards in the scrabble for votes. I say this because the progressive...
  6. mixed_biscuits

    WHO's your daddy: Simian Mobile Distro

    They've been working really hard at head office and they think they've nailed that 4% death rate this time. Are you all ready to do the dance? Same steps as last time.
  7. mixed_biscuits

    Album of the Day

    One of the loveliest electronic music albums you could ever hear from a super-versatile underrated band.
  8. mixed_biscuits

    The 4/4 Continuum

    If anything ties together popular western music it's the 4/4 beat. But when did it start? And where did it come from? I'll be following you as you go into the history of the 4/4 time signature...
  9. mixed_biscuits

    Pure talent

    Bobby George, the former darts champ, says in his autobiography that the first time he played darts was as a fully grown man with a wife and kids, and that he was awesome right from the get-go. This is not the first champion origin story I've heard in which there is neither 10,000 hours of...
  10. mixed_biscuits

    Bands that look nothing like their name

    Someone's gonna tell me that Goo Goo Dolls is slang for some messed-up drug thing, but IDCTBH
  11. mixed_biscuits

    Things only Canadians say

  12. mixed_biscuits

    The forum's at loggerheads over the latest controversy

    @Mr. Tea If you spouted any more hot air on this controversial issue, you'd be in orbit
  13. mixed_biscuits

    Singers impersonating singers

  14. mixed_biscuits

    Boon Spending and other spoonerisms

    Have a go at your spoons with this guy's technique: You'd think it wouldn't work but it does - just not for my brother. The guy says start with spoons you can already bend with some effort but I recommend finding one made of sterner stuff which you can't bend without the technique, like this...
  15. mixed_biscuits

    Opening lines

    A writer has only one job: to keep the reader reading. And if his first sentence fails then the reader won't even get to see the second sentence. The first sentence, just like the first handshake is the most important. Is it a firm sentence, exuding confidence and professionalism? Or is it a...
  16. mixed_biscuits

    The trades

  17. mixed_biscuits

    You're in the Army Now: songs about social institutions

  18. mixed_biscuits

    Who is who is he? i love him!?, I love him!

    @who is he? i love him!
  19. mixed_biscuits

    Who would be in your supergroup?

    Who would be in your supergroup?
  20. mixed_biscuits

    5/4 Bangers
