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  1. luka

    woops listens to tortured poets society (live blog)

    woops is listening to the new taylor swift in prepearation for writing hundreds of taylor poems over the forthcoming days. he shares his insights here
  2. luka


    ive always avoided it whats it like
  3. luka

    how much damage did trumpo do?

    i was struck in the early days on hes presidency craner said he was petrified and i assumed craner would love him i kept refreshing the feed to see if hed do something mental in the end it was kind of fine although you didn get the sense he was reinforcing some of the worst instincts of the...
  4. luka

    what should we do about our embaressing nazis?

    its a bit embaressing. can we come up with a clever team-response to make them less embaressing and gross?
  5. luka

    how can sufi place word trade books in trendy shops?

    eg how can he get our wares into cafe oto, whitechapel art gallery or the ica bookshop? it cant be that difficult they stock a right load of shit in those places.
  6. luka


    did you like it?
  7. luka

    t e s t o s t e r o n e

    very interesting chemical supplement. biscuits is obsessed with it cos he has extraordinarily low levels of it. hes very soft and short very delicate and plump. we all sort of wonder what it would be like to have 50 x as much as we have been given. we all the like the idea of being obnoxious...
  8. luka

    Meet LINEBAUGH day August 1st.

    line up to meet linebaugh on august 1st i will be putting him on display at the river and then later at the old kings head from 7pm in london bridge come and shake linebaughs hand and get a free tattoo from the stick and poke kingpin.
  9. luka

    Saturn Devours His Young

    a thought occured to me when i was talking to barty today, were the barty years and the crobyn years one and the same? and it turns out they were.
  10. luka

    Rolf Harris

  11. luka

    your favourite american

    mvuent- deepest thinker downside - dont talk or shit or eat gus- cleverest downside- psycho limburger - best adjustest socialisy downside- might be glib?
  12. luka

    lets visit benny b in seviillla

    he has room for 10 of us who wants go??
  13. luka

    how wasted were you when you weere young

    i never got to see a concert when i was young cos i was so wasted i was hanging to a single thread of consciousness
  14. luka

    whats better

  15. luka


  16. luka

    washyour hands in the u s of a

    might as well get the full story
  17. luka

    natural wines of high distinction
  18. luka


    LETS PLAY!!!
  19. luka

    would u let a weirdo stranger stay in your flat for two weeks?

    yes or no.
  20. luka

    how americans talk

    "shit or get off the pot" "howdy lil' lady"