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  1. D

    grime is uk hip hop

    hey peter, i agree with you. except you seem to have forgotten one minor detail - the US too is a descendant of the British empire. although, of course, the ties with the Queen broke a long time ago. maybe this thread is for the dissenters (i haven't really checked the other zillion grime...
  2. D

    where you from?

    hi all, i just joined dissensus. i've been blogging off/on for just about 6 months. i'm tryin to go steady now with Gee & gang at #1 in Belgium ( i was just curious where you other bloggers / dissensus people hail from? i consider myself from Montreal, Canada, but i'm in New...
  3. D

    How much garage/NUKG/grime is made on cracked software?

    people just want shit for free, that's all. i don't think you can ever "justify" theft, because that is what cracked software is - stolen goods. plus, i wonder how grime producers who used cracked software would feel if their records are so widely leaked online that NO ONE buys the original...