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    VICE magazine's G. MacInnes in The American Conservative

    "So we've been sucessfully sold back the idea that the act of rebelling can be done by purchasing, making consumer choices. Whether that be the music you listen to, the clothes you wear, or the drugs you take." Who is "WE"? Sounds like something Penny Rimbaud would say half way through a...
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    VICE magazine's G. MacInnes in The American Conservative

    whingey whinge whiners whinging for the millionth time, it's not "THE LONDON VICE", it's the European / UK Vice and the content reflects that. and all this stuff about people from Vice not having shit jobs or being on the dole? Well when you all buy the new edition of the Vice Guide To Sex And...
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    VICE magazine's G. MacInnes in The American Conservative

    Hey this thread is great for publicity. This one goes out to all those crying about the Nick Kilroy article... Were you friends with Nick? Nick was a friend and actually volunteered to write that piece for Vice. When he died we asked the people closest to him for permission to run the...
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    VICE magazine's G. MacInnes in The American Conservative

    umm, you forgot to mention that I am good looking and have an excellent body as well. fyi, the vice office is more like a eastern european hippy commune than the one on Nathan Barley. that place was like Siegfried & Roy's mansion compared to our shack. I don't go in that often cos I don't like...
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    VICE magazine's G. MacInnes in The American Conservative

    let's make a date I normally don't post on these forums, especially when all the comments about VICE are 80 per cent positive, but one thing got my goat. It was the thing that 'ALO' said about meeting VICE and us all being 'smug,moneyed london media tossers'. That made me mad. Umm, none of us...