Ibogaine Trip Report

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I could have taken one of the most fascinating mind expanding ethnogens on planet earth but instead I cut bread and pasta out my diet

You're ignoring the fact that he avoided spending several days cloistered away with a bunch of extremely earnest white people with dreadlocks. Overall it's probably for the best.
"Prevents ageing" - that's quite a claim!

Autophagy, dude.
Also, ageing isn't inevitable, it's programmed. The wear and tear model is wrong. It seems possible to spoof the system in a variety of biochemical ways.

Life and health span can be prolonged by calorie limitation or by pharmacologic agents that mimic the effects of caloric restriction. Both starvation and the genetic inactivation of nutrient signaling converge on the induction of autophagy, a cytoplasmic recycling process that counteracts the age-associated accumulation of damaged organelles and proteins as it improves the metabolic fitness of cells. Here we review experimental findings indicating that inhibition of the major nutrient and growth-related signaling pathways as well as the upregulation of anti-aging pathways mediate life span extension via the induction of autophagy. Furthermore, we discuss mounting evidence suggesting that autophagy is not only necessary but, at least in some cases, also sufficient for increasing longevity.
Madeo et al, 2015 Journal of Clinical Investigation


"millions now living will never die. nor eat another cheese toastie."

Once I have effective immortality squared away I'll take another look at ibogaine in my retirement.
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I know which side of that trade-off I'm on.

I really don't miss the bread or pasta. Steak, eggs, cheese, dollops of cream, lamb more than make up for it.
That carbohydrate shit will put you in an early grave. I'm surprised how many people still don't know this.

Wake up wheatple!

But back to the original THRUST of this thread. I'll let you know how it goes next time I go psychonautical.
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Well-known member
my grandmother ate carbs. lived till 93. i have no desire to live that long.
my grandmother ate carbs. lived till 93. i have no desire to live that long.

Everyone ate them. Trick is to live long and be healthy until the end, free of dementia, chronic circulatory, respiratory or neurological complaints.
People in the know are going to stop appreciably ageing and then dying. This will become apparent in the next few decades.
Basic adjustments to the national diet would eradicate type 2 diabetes, and that kills how many people each year? Devours how many £billions from the NHS budget? And that's before you get to things like high intensity interval training and resistance training. Small prices to pay for staying fit into old, old age.


Well-known member
just another in a long line of health fads. suprised a hardline rationalist like you would fall for it... youd be better off Fletcherizing


Well-known member
consider the evidence
“Squatting upon the floor of the room, without any perceptible effort he passed into the hollow of his hand the contents of the rectum,” wrote the anonymous writer’s physician in a letter printed in one of Fletcher’s books. “The excreta were in the form of nearly round balls,” and left no stain on the hand. “There was no more odour to it than there is to a hot biscuit.” So impressive, so clean, was the man’s residue that his physician was inspired to set it aside as a model to aspire to. Fletcher adds in a footnote that “similar [dried] specimens have been kept for five years without change,”
WWIII is about a month from kicking off, so it's a displacement activity really. Everyone needs a hobby in this time of tribulation. Mine just happens to mean I'll be physiologically optimised for cannibalism.


Well-known member
that i can understand. in fact thats how ive read the unconscious motivations behind the boom in bodybuilding, fitness and steroid use among the young.


Well-known member
although according to craner it will be WWV. (cold war-war against terror-future war)

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
consider the evidence
“Squatting upon the floor of the room, without any perceptible effort he passed into the hollow of his hand the contents of the rectum,” wrote the anonymous writer’s physician in a letter printed in one of Fletcher’s books. “The excreta were in the form of nearly round balls,” and left no stain on the hand. “There was no more odour to it than there is to a hot biscuit.” So impressive, so clean, was the man’s residue that his physician was inspired to set it aside as a model to aspire to. Fletcher adds in a footnote that “similar [dried] specimens have been kept for five years without change,”

The other day I saw a woman walking two dogs, and when one of them stopped and crouched, she stopped behind it and held out her hand to catch what came out of it.

She had one of those little sheets of plastic material over hand, but they're what, a handful of microns thick? Sorry, but no amount of companionship and loyalty can possibly be worth that.

So, er. Yeah. Ibogaine.