Interests, obsessions


Well-known member
i'm only joking tea, i love it.

i haven't run this by corpse or luke, but i'm thinking we could have a section called 'tea of the week' in which you send us a new song every week and we discuss it. i'll say that it's genius in it's musically nuum, but aesthetically closer to rock or metal. i'll say that luka doesn't understand it because metal's not an aesthetic he recognises or appreciates. he doesn't get 'heaviness' as a transcendental mind set. corpse can get the fan mail ready when we're doing this.


bandz ahoy
To bring things back briefly to my true crime preoccupation, here's a two hour long police interrogation tape that some of you sickos might enjoy watching before bedtime.

It's quite (morbidly) entertaining cos the guy comes into the room not expecting to be greeted with DNA evidence and so on. The FBI bloke stitches him right up.



Well-known member
Broke the golden rule. Never, under any circumstances speak to the cops withOUT a lawyer.
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bandz ahoy
Yeah, he comes across as either very dumb or very arrogant - wearing the same boots to the police station that he was wearing during one of the murders!

Arrogance is of course a feature of psychopaths - hence Bundy choosing to defend himself in court, e.g. Recklessness. Impulsiveness.


bandz ahoy
the FBI dude is quite famous though I think, there's a few videos of him extracting confessions on youtube

it's amazing when he's getting this guy to confess and just before that he says 'call me russ'

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Other top legal advice from droid:

* Establish your innocence early on with a firm, earnest "I didn't kill her!" before the cops can get a word in.
* Persuade Dave 'Mad Dog' McKenzie to provide you with an alibi, because after all he owes you a favour for not narking him out that time in Parkhurst.
* Wave a tenner at them and say "Can't we just make this problem... go away?"
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