1990s revisited: Mo Wax or Ninja Tunes?


Prodigal Son
heh, it really seems like dislike for James Lavelle's persona is the primary criteria by which people judge Mo' Wax


Well-known member
Coldcut JDJ mix '70 Minutes Of Madness' was pretty seminal to my young mind's developing musical tastes. One Blood over The Truper - Street Beats Vol 2 still sounds amazing, although a lot of the rest of it has been forgotten about tbh.


Can turn naughty
Coldcut JDJ mix '70 Minutes Of Madness' was pretty seminal to my young mind's developing musical tastes. One Blood over The Truper - Street Beats Vol 2 still sounds amazing, although a lot of the rest of it has been forgotten about tbh.

i keep meaning to make a 'commercial mixes' thread and this would be my pick for the one i listened to most along with gilles peterson's JDJ.


Well-known member
Damon Albarn seems like he turned into a Lavelle over the years. Similar hipster curator thing.




Well-known member
I think I prefer Andrea Parker's stuff the most out of both labels so I guess I'd go with Mo Wax.


Cat Malogen
It will pass, it’s spring and raining like fuck

Sound of water running out off poorly fitted guttering and shit squidgy black red-seal


Well-known member
I had to turn off the DJ Krush album after having it looping for a few hours. The trumpet became quite grating.


Well-known member
Would someone on the NT side of things be so kind as to point me to the essentials or even make a playlist?

Cos I liked Headz 2A and Mo’ Wax’s snooty trip-hop vibe doesn’t really bother me, although I guess I wasn’t “there.” They also put out the first Dr. Octagon records, and the DJ Assault LP scores them more points in my book, even if its seen as bandwagon behavior. Krush and Shadow are great obviously, most of the label’s output is sort of background music but usually really great for background music. I’m still unclear on La Funk Mob’s motives for dissing jungle (other than just being French hipsters), of course the Photek response is famous but then you’ve got the likes of fellow (Metahl)headz J Majik (who started really leaning into this sound, see the beautiful trip-hop cuts on his ‘97 LP Slow Motion) and Peshay featured on 2A. Urban Tribe with Carl Craig was kind of interesting. Have never listened to UNKLE.

This is one hell of an ambient jungle tune in my book, the producer’s only one it seems, again off 2A. Cards on the table, I got into jungle/dnb at the same time as discovering a lot of this stuff, all the cross-pollination and elasticity circa ‘96 was very intriguing, I couldn’t see the borders and competing sensibilities via immediate preceding development as well as I would soon come to, it was a romantic if ahistorical all-in-one introduction to cool beats



Well-known member
Sexy guys make sexy music. Is that why you feel discomfort around Source Direct, they aren’t ugly and scary and hood enough? Personally would love to chat industry gossip over cocktails with these blokes
