Anonymous & "Operation Payback"


interesting and confusing, have 4chan bit off more than they can chew? (the UK students also??)

the economist have bravely got onto the anonymous irc and written up a bemused and condescending explanation for people aged over 20 yrs - on the collective calling for 'the internet to be free' aw how cute! - hackers are talking about bypassing dns, the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (TM) DDos botnet is now all over the place as javascript webpages , and anon have had a go at EFF & boing boing have been drawn into the fray . over-excited pundits (tech & non-tech) are calling it the first cyber-war, is it?

visa is mostly virtual, but certainly getting closer to real life, with this and wikileaks suddenly the internets are getting held to account irl, disruption and activism spilling out offline

where does dissensus stand on all this? our dns has been all over the place & i'm not sure whether to blame anon or the feds!!!


Evenly Distributed
Herp derp, Anoneemuz Iz Leejun.

The main orchestrators are genuine netsec bods and grizzled techies that should really know better. However, the vast majority of "h4x0rs" are ignorant teens, skiddies, and basement dwelling neckbeards that get a kick out of making the news and feeling relevant. Unfortunately for them, two of the main dl pages for LOIC were hosting the backdoored version of the executable, so now they'll genuinely end up as part of a very real botnet, as opposed to a simulated one. Oh the irony.

The main focus of the media coverage should've always been the content of the leaked cables, which appears sometimes good, sometimes innocuous, and sometimes unconscionably unethical and criminal. Unfortunately, the subsequent actions of 'Operation Failhard' have taken the focus away from all of that and replaced it with this irrelevant Visa/PayPal/Amazon noise. Ostensibly, the older heads in the group do seem to have recognised this as a problem and appear to be refocusing their efforts on using the crowd numbers to actually pick through the contents of the cables and shift the public & media gaze back to where it belongs.

Dr Awesome

Unfortunately for them, two of the main dl pages for LOIC were hosting the backdoored version of the executable, so now they'll genuinely end up as part of a very real botnet, as opposed to a simulated one. Oh the irony.

Hahaha, excellent.

Tentative Andy

I'm in the Meal Deal
Economist article is extremely interesting, thanks for the link Sufi.
The debit card provided by my bank is a Visa one, so I'm very glad that I've not needed to do any transactions using that or my Paypal account this week.
Having said that, I'm not sure that I share Allegiant's hostility towards the project as a whole. The way that a lot of companies have suddenly withdrawn their services from Wikileaks despite being happy to take their money in the past has been pretty cowardly imo, and it's admirable that some people are responding to this, even if it's inevitable that the actions can only be a registering of dissaproval that can't have a permanent effect.


bandwagon house
"They described their motivations, variously, as trying “to raise awareness”, “to show the prosecutor that we have the ability to act” and “damage and attention”."

I thought they were in it for the lolz.
