Voice search and Psychoanalysis


Well-known member
...it's the future!

and the true birth of talking with machines.

lots of places this is going to take us - but the most obvious one to me is going to be about how psychoanalysis is brought into everyone's homes.

john eden

male pale and stale
...it's the future!

and the true birth of talking with machines.

lots of places this is going to take us - but the most obvious one to me is going to be about how psychoanalysis is brought into everyone's homes.

I'm sure you're right, but is that a good thing?

Without coming on all Unabomber, the explosion of social media seems to have exacerbated people's neuroses so far...


Well-known member
I'm sure you're right, but is that a good thing?

Without coming on all Unabomber, the explosion of social media seems to have exacerbated people's neuroses so far...

hi john

just gazing into my crystal ball. you read it here first innit.

no i'm not sure it will be a good thing either. BUT it might make some people's lives more bearable (i guess you never know).

when it does happen you can guarantee it will be designed as an "opium for the people" - but that's gotta beat opiates for the people.

there are a few candidates out there already but they haven't made the leap to the voice yet. but soon google or amazon or apple will buy them and jack them into their voice technology.

yours broadly optimistically,


(not voice , chat and a potemkin AI, but still relevant)

I had a spat with this guy last year - I tweeted some criticism of the asylum law bot and got blocked by the inventor, so i wrote a fiery blog, and the guy phoned me - we had a good chat, interesting fellow, but ultimately this "bot" was a non-starter, for various obvious reasons,
When Joshua Browder developed DoNotPay he called it "the world's first robot lawyer". It's a chatbot - a computer program that carries out conversations through texts or vocal commands - and it uses Facebook Messenger to gather information about a case before spitting out advice and legal documents.
what was interesting was the momentum of the hype machine and complete lack of winding in - all the papers featured the project uncritically, despite it didn’t work and had obvious "issues"