KAN YAY OR KAN NAY? (The Kanye West Thread)


Well-known member
Feel like Kanye poisoned the well for hip hop the same way Nirvana did for rock. A whole generation of artists after Kanye thinking that what makes a hip hop song important is if it transcends the genre, as if hip hop was no longer enough. What you get is a bunch of rappers with no practice stringing a verse smoothly into a pre chorus/hook and in its place a bunch of sloppy pastiche


Well-known member
As a personality I dig his wild takes on making art- like apparently inspiration for Yeezus struck suddenly after seeing this lamp:

and when being asked why he thinks he can just so easily switch into shoe design he responded: 'everything in the world is exactly the same'
Its ridiculous but a little inspiring


Well-known member
Saying he did those beats is stretching it, but I guess you could say that for his whole catalog

I wish more of the emo rap lane sounded like this


Well-known member
Saying he did those beats is stretching it, but I guess you could say that for his whole catalog

Yeah, I mean they are credited to him and they are good but he has teams of producers etc, so it's tough to say how much credit he deserves, if any.


Well-known member
Yeezus is a crazy album. He wasn't doing anything drastically new in general, but it was pretty mad for that big an artist.


Well-known member
Yeezus is a crazy album. He wasn't doing anything drastically new in general, but it was pretty mad for that big an artist.
yeah i suppose. my mate put it on at new year and was playing it me saying how amazing it was that he had those beats, and there's nothing new in those really, but yes, my mate would never have put it on if it was arca or whoever


Well-known member
i read that evian christ interview where he talks about being flown in
theres that afx interview where he says he emailed off to Kanye offering to properly chop the 14 sample on blame game for him, they told him to fuck off and tried not to pay him for it
Then years later he was working on some Travis Scott album (same team as kanyes) and they credited his contribution to some random guy in their circle