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Well-known member
I read somewhere Lynch had made that film as though it was to be set in Poland or East Germany or somewhere. That's where it comes from anyway.


pass the sick bucket
You love your lads holidays; nice resort, swimming pool, beach, all the boys together, taunting Greeks, beers for breakfast, endless banter. Englishmans idyll, a kind of paradise.

I always tend to pitty the innocent greek girls or boys who have to taste baked beans cum. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


in je ogen waait de wind
we not take by the fbi or kgb, dancehall is top priority, when mission complete thats when we feel irie, sit down an smoke up an ounce of collie, now you know why they call raggamuffin rambo
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Well-known member
There's a conspiracy theory that claims African Americans are actually Native Americans and the whites have just been lying to them about their true heritage


Well-known member
burning spear thinks that black people where in the americas before whites. don't know if he thinks they're native or what.

Rammellzee said something about white people crash landing on Earth in Noah's Ark.

"When I was dealing w~ t hlibrarrans they kept talkrng about Noah's Ark and I kept questroning them for a couple of years. I came to the conclus~onthat I wanted to write a horror movie that there wasn't no two-by-two animals in Noah's Ark. There's no possible way someone called Noah could possibly gather every Goddamned animal on the planet, so I came to the conclusion that there was a group of humans, humanoids, Caucasians, and they landed on the Caucasus Mountains as Caucasoids and they crash-landed in this big ship that turned from galvanised energy into wood. They landed with the genetic code and technological advancement to enslave what the dictionary calls 'heathens' - anyone not from the Caucasus Mountains. Around the 800s the dictronary was starting to be formed. After the Grecians, Phoenic~ans, we ended up with a problem of slavery, not slavery of people, but the taking over of languages, which I consider to be a subliminal war, where the ones who could conquer conquered from one slde of the planet to the other and afterwards you had a dictionary compiled. . . I called the Earth a penal colony about to be turned into a god or goddess, but the thrngs that are on rt - the lambs, the sheep, the trees, the flowers - that's all disease. But the ones that learned how to talk crashlanded, like I said, in the Ark of Noah.

"We can still to this day, from the satellite right above Turkey, still see an engine glowing, right now, and I think you know this. Don't you know this? You don't know this? There is strll a very bright light sitting right up on Mount Ararat, the other half of Noah's Ark, and we can't get near ~t'cause it would start a mu'fuckingwar. Where the hell did it come from?"


Can turn naughty
Obviously native Americans look way more Asian. But when I was in Bahia and at other times before, its really struck me how many facial features are shared by Asians and Africans when you really pay attention. Certain feature shape/size ratios and curvatures. Bodily not so much, but the native Americans certainly have a more 'african' physique.

Just thoughts.


Well-known member
One of the curious things about pre-European South America is there are statues which seem to depict both African and Asian faces
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