
Apparently (according to Rob Mackay) Lyotard referred to ours as the "age of immaterials"


Well-known member
Gus recommended an article in his mafia thread that someone else just recommended to me last night.

I haven't read the whole thing yet, but this jumped out.

Culture has always been produced in a network; but now the network is online. Much has been made of the internet’s erosion of trust in figures of centralized authority, whether they be bankers (money), journalists (civil society) or scholars (truth). But the shift is less about decentralization than derealization. The French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari—favorites of the new online right who are often cited as prophets of the internet’s disruptive social power—called it “deterritorialization.” The online world is not so much a different kind of order, as its patrons have always claimed—anarchic, horizontal, free—as a different kind of space—smooth, pliable, virtual. Like a video game, virtual space unfolds as a vector, continuously reshaping itself in an informatic feedback loop. Have you noticed that when you navigate with your phone you never actually know where you are? With Google, the map becomes the territory: in order not to become lost, you have to insert yourself into the world on screen. You arrive when the dots match up.

In the virtual sphere, everything is already a symbol; we navigate in a vacuum. The “downtown scene” was something you could make fun of in Brooklyn and be a part of in Berlin: either way it was the internet where things seemed to be happening. And yet: the internet itself seemed to be, somehow, “happening” more intensely in New York. Urbit imagines itself as a new and fully virtual world, but for now, the vibes still needed a medium, and New York was the ultimate test. Urbit Week was, as Frank described it to me, an experiment. “The thought was: we throw some parties and see how it goes. It’s vibe-testing—you can’t fake whether a party is good.”

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Well-known member
I tried paying for drinks in cash a couple times last night and got the same slightly embarrassed look and response from staff that they don't do that anymore. Strange feeling to have something once so fundamental disappear before your eyes. Feels like you're inconveniencing people now. A dirty old world thing, like smoking cigs.
at the heart of it all you and luke are straight illumaniti bros and the mad the thing is you’re right!!!! cashless society and all that. It’s all true bro you and Luke are definitely right and on to something


Well-known member
When I went to the movie theatre the other day you couldnt order food at the concession stands. There were people behind the counter as usual, but when you went up to place an order they said you had to go to an electronic kiosk. And these are movie concessions, its all already made, most of it is candy in a box I just need someone to hand it to me, but whatever. I go to the electronic kiosk and you have to sign in---to get pop corn and candy you have to sign in. I didnt have an account so I logged in as a guest. I take my receipt over to the stand but the machine malfunctioned I guess so they tell me i have to go hunt down some manager so he can reprint the right receipt. I then do that and take the correct receipt over to the concession stand. But the thing is the receipt is just my order printed out, its not like they get electronic orders in on a screen and assemble your stuff before you get there, they just read whats on the paper you yourself give them and then they go get it, as if you had just walked up and told them your order in the first place.

The whole ordeal took ten minutes. I got a popcorn and an I-cee, which I poured myself


I tried paying for drinks in cash a couple times last night and got the same slightly embarrassed look and response from staff that they don't do that anymore. Strange feeling to have something once so fundamental disappear before your eyes. Feels like you're inconveniencing people now. A dirty old world thing, like smoking cigs.
It's somewhat different in the provinces, thankfully.