outside of jungle, techno and dancehall, the 90s gave nothing to music


Well-known member
That’s only because you and corpse hold what I do in low esteem. You don’t see the subtlety. In my hands this would’ve been two separate threads for starters.

This is a good object lesson. You see even me and Barty, maybe especially me and Barty, as egomaniacs, need to feel appreciated and esteemed.


Well-known member
This is a good object lesson. You see even me and Barty, maybe especially me and Barty, as egomaniacs, need to feel appreciated and esteemed.

How can we give everyone the requisite amount of love and appreciation without getting soft and sentimental? The right balance of abuse and affection?


Well-known member
How can we support Crowley and corpse at the same time? How can we make space for everyone who wants to make a positive contribution? How can we respect energy and ideas without overwhelming people who move more slowly and more tentatively? How can we judge the line between good natured teasing and bullying?


Well-known member
How can we meet everybody's needs without losing the energy that comes from rivalry, disagreement and competitiveness?


Well-known member
These are the questions everyone has to ask themselves. And also, how can I make space for myself? How can I make myself heard. It's not solely other people's responsibility. How can I make an impact. How can I communicate effectively.


Well-known member
The problem with a purely dog eat dog set up is that the strongest voices eventually realise they're talking to themselves. Nobody wants to play by their rule set. They've won a purely Pyrrhic victory. Fucked themselves. There's a corresponding danger in the other direction, you lose the boisterous energy, it becomes timid, unsure of itself, not able to act on instinct because it's come to distrust it's instincts to such a radical degree.


Well-known member
Oh for fuck’s sake. I was Being arrogant. I’m not here all wounded and sensitive. Put your dodgy elephant and castle gestalt degree away.


Well-known member
I'm not suggesting anyone should become neurotic about this stuff. Just to be conscious of how it plays out. Because good instincts slide imperceptibly into bad ones, not just for dominant personalities either, although there the dangers might be more obvious.


Well-known member
I’m going to find that Vietnamese bloke who forged you an msc and show him this thread. He’ll be hotties. Like dr Frankenstein


Well-known member
I have to run a drying out clinic in Devon for one of my addict mates starting tomorrow so you better get your money's worth today. I might be gone a while.


Well-known member
Mineral water. Long walks in the countryside. Sleepless nights. Tortured confessions and tears.


pass the sick bucket
im sad anyway im maxed out tomorrow i have to see psychiatrist. he's a decent guy but just chats too much. you know them people who are like nice and all but you only ever want to ever be around them for 30 seconds not to spoil the niceness? he can't help himself, he's egyptian and i'm turkish. but yeah im sad cos its gonna waste my day tomorrow.