
we murder to dissect
Evola is a good example of something I've started to call "torsion". Wherever you think you recognise a certain pattern or ideology, there's something in him that kind of twists against it: so it's like fascism but with the qualifier that "race" is some sort of suprapersonal caste-identity, and "nation" is organised around some kind of suprahistorical Idea of the spiritual essence of a people, and everything's caught up in a double motion between ascendant-towards-Tradition and decadent-towards-modernity elements.

Nick Land's the same: what looks from one point of view like devious slippery deniability, from another looks like a kind of skein of subversion running through the whole thing. I think that accounts for a lot of the fascination people have with them: they provide "insight porn", a constant stream of slight glitches and surprises, things not working out quite exactly as you would expect, so that when someone then comes along and says "Evola's a fascist" or "Land's a fascist" you think "well that's not quite right, there are all these ways in which it doesn't work as that label would predict, there's something else going on here that you haven't understood", and of course because you have understood it, or at least noticed it, you feel a kind of attachment to that understanding, a desire to defend it.

As far as Land's concerned, there's a line of just straight-up "Europe is committing cultural suicide by letting all these Muslim North African immigrants in" xenophobia (ironically enough) which he espouses without much nuance or distance, and which places him very straightforwardly on the same "side" as the European racist right - there's that and all the "race-realist" stuff he can't keep away from - which I think is indefensible, and undermines the whole project. With Evola, there's an all-too-human desire to position himself as spiritual guru to the SS which, again, I don't feel particularly forgiving towards.

Another interesting thing about this "torsion" is that it sort of burrows into the other side as well - like, if you're familiar with Foucault and his notion that the history of ideas and social organisation moves from one "episteme" to another, then the way the Four Ages stuff in Evola is articulated will seem strangely familiar. It's a sort of inverted historical materialism: in different periods, the relationships between classes (castes, in Evola's scheme) shift, and the each class in relation to the others brings its own values and ideological comportment along with it . So a "leftist" used to seeing history in those terms will find that Evola rhymes, peculiarly, with the view of history they already have - it's just that it's all organised by this theme of decadence from pure origins, and places a positive value on all the heroic and chivalric content of previous ages' ideologies. Or the entire theme of Tradition as a universal and invariant set of principles which can be discerned within the concrete history of actual traditions actually accords very naturally with the Platonism of somebody like Badiou, who is similarly disdainful of the whirl of transitory "opinion" and seeks for procedures by which eternal truths can be discerned and established. You can see how someone might flip from essentially the most modern constellation of philosophical positions to a Traditional viewpoint. It's a flick of a switch, almost - reverse the polarity on your historiography, and there you are. And what you get for making the switch is a restoration of all that evacuated mythic and heroic stuff that the modern constellation largely treats as historical dreck - it's very seductive.

What immunises me against a lot of this is the relationship I already have to the mythic, to spiritualised nature and so on, which I get from reading lots of Alan Garner as a kid, growing up listening to the Incredible String Band, maintaining a sort of half-hearted atheist Anglicanism etc - basically I don't feel a huge gaping void around this stuff which only a world-historical theory of spiritual decline can explain and repair. I don't need to imagine myself the sort of person who might have experienced suprapersonal spiritual transcendence riding off to fight in the Crusades to feel some connection to the cosmos.


we murder to dissect
That's reasonably insightful so far as Land is concerned. This idea of detachment - "coldness be my god!" - from the furious futility of the present, which will somehow prepare you mentally and spiritually for the unimaginable future landscape into which you will be delivered as one of its pre-eminent New Men. There's a bit of that in Burroughs, too - "anybody who prays in space is not there". What takes the place of Tradition in Land is basically the primary material process underlying everything, which is a mixture of the Gods of the Copybook Headings and a self-assembling AI that will pull itself together through sheer implacable evolutionary badassery.


Well-known member
This is my nik land, Evola style poem (via pound) from a couple of years ago.... A minor work.... But quite funny

scotch tape. semblance of seemliness,
temperance and toil. Grin at grindstone
gone in God’s graft.
Fore and After hollow laughter.
Shatter simpering silent night.

Read the runes it’s Romefall
Baleful barbarians at the gate
Feast till flame throws its own
Leering shadow inside the sanctum.

Sacrifice the city to save it
The card is the wheel of Fortuna
First you’re up,
Then you’re down.

Hooting gibbons shoo away the sun
The discursive & interminable sentence
Falls with the finality of the gavel
Fate sealed. No repeal
Subsumed in sooty, silent night.

Savage luxury. beasts in the palace
Hooves ringing on the marble
Clatter of cloven hooves
Burlesquing the circuit
of the dance.

Perfume of goat & swine
Music of the pigsty &
The drinking hall
Crescendo of artless violence.


Well-known member
There's another typical pound thing which is eg

Hooves ringing on the marble
Clatter of cloven hooves.

He does that sort of thing throughout the cantos


Well-known member
Have you read Wyndham Lewis essay on Pound where he's just taking the piss out of him for page after page? It's pretty funny and not inaccurate. But I like to read Pound. And I like to read Lewis. Those are my favourite fascists. Evola looks a bit turgid to me. I think it would wear me out.


we murder to dissect
Lewis just has really good taste. Pound can be fussy, but when he gets out of the weeds his verse can really sing. Evola's a history teacher who thinks you should be tremendously interested in what 13th-Century Barons thought about their own nobility.


Well-known member
Spring. The primroses are out
and the worst has already happened.
The Threshold has been crossed. There
is no longer any Inside, any Out. No
Sanctuary, no Stronghold, no Escape
no Hiding Place. Horror
beyond endurance and here,
we endure. Hell.

And as they ate, scorpions appeared in the dust about their feet.

Collapse of all boundaries and all discrimination. Mind shredded. Bone grinding against bone. Nothing coheres. Nothing is allowed to cohere. No separation, no hiding place. Before a thing can form it is torn apart. This is what it means to be expelled from The Circle.

Scabrous entanglement barbaric legislature. Time captive how here in time captive quicklime help us direct intrusion into earth affairs bolt of lightning
and nothing ever
the same again. We move through the
passages. and changed.

grotesque imposition struck sent sideways reeling with the impact not again.
April. And the primroses are out
pallid yellow petalled in the lawn.
Parade of idiots file past the grimy window. Shell oil. Dull paramour. Dumb anguish
Not again. Wicked is the mistletoe
Wicked is the oak. Sturdy is the cross
rooted in
the honest earth.

Vagrant moment passing breath lost, another breath lost
Closer to the end. Cooked goose gathering, not again.

Time captive running out. Now we go to East Ham. Now we traverse the long curves of residential streets. Now we enter the churchyard where.

Castigate the enemy. Cast him down. Throw dirt upon him. We are in war in war in struggle are we. Struggling for air, gasping, spun around the colloquial mythos, spun, in violence, spun. Free to, free to. Dome of Death Cathedral. Free.
without a strong fleet to reinforce the galleons. We are dirt in the mouth we are.

Cup of sorrow sobbing harbinger of tears.
Sheet metal singing
rivets / tarred river, cranes, ratty wharves,
sing-song in sailors tavern.
Bellowed drunk, reeling on the slimy
cobblestones. Pickpocketed, happily, by consent, dancing a can-can,
arm over shoulder of brother-beggar, lice in the thatch, not totally

Not totally

We are. We are permitted a meadow. Thick, slow sunlight
grasshoppers. Something entirely sensual, the body pleasured
and purring. Grass tattooing the skin. The Vale of Beulah. We are permitted
buttercups. Daisies.
Primroses. Dandelions. Trees musical with gathered birds.

Steel rod shattering the skull. Gather drunk bellow. In the very ugly brutal
in the very mean it is, the very mean. Not just yet, no, no, not just yet, leave me here,
in sin with the sinners, neon over the shadowed doorways and we're here again
getting it all wrong again, alive again, and with the tiniest of miscalculations, we're here again, in Hell.

Tattered remnant of remain this place left momento of engraved in memory
granite gouged trauma site rivet driven down. Mesh of matter. Scar tissue. Rock.
Shabby. With what's left of us. Excuses.

alleviate overcrowding snow falls
Solace in shared suffering gold band about the throat.

Gather round gather in the grotto gather round faces in the flame-flicker voices
without a speaker speaking gather round.

The dead, having learnt the secret
of happiness, return as grass.

pink opacity the branded self salvage
from the storm.

Threatens this precarious outcrop, to be engulfed.
Hollow in the heart and holding on. Howling
and every howl unheard are you
quiet hush and save your breath
a moment passing
Breathe and settle down.

do we believe them the stories we tell ourselves
pennies in the well
that we are plastic, copper, fibreglass

and dying. Have turned our backs on heaven spat
in the flames of hell.

believe them or history just pretending pantomime time not passing nothing changing pantomime. Here always in this place, perfectly still, perfectly silent and any act
perfectly impossible pantomime.

Touch me, if you can. Reach out and touch me if you can. Even just
whistle back. Whistle back.


Well-known member
Big builded cloud quilted cumulus dense heavy hardly moving plump and stately sitting there. It never comes or, it's never quite enough, come closer, comfort, enough for now. Cold ashes now the surplus we had saved we squandered, the old ways of making do, and now, cold ashes and queasy guilty past the point of self-recrimination, the policeman in the head. This is something else. Sunk to self-silence quite unable to believe. That it matters either way.

It doesn't matter
either way.

The next word
is not lust, surprisingly. The old certainties no longer applying. Not even the drawing of blood but the seeking of some other assurance which may not even be coal glowing in the centre of it all it is perhaps cold as a long dead star. Nothing within this orbit can now be put to use. Two swans in heavy flight, down to river landing.
Cringe for map.


Well-known member
One of those which arose through a conquest. Contact and. Contamination.

One of those which arose through a conquest. Contact and. Contamination.
Human petting zoo. Purgatorial sky. Undistinguished ruins. The passing of a third rate civilisation. Oh well. Convivial whistling. Milk bottles on the doorstep at dawn. The rush of birds passing and the passage of the clouds. The way back is barred. The cherubim. The sword of fire. The pigeons ruffled up against the cold and the feeling that perhaps time could be convinced to pass us by. Emerald ruff pearlescent feathers if we in the days of music-hall, that we could be other, unrecognised. Go by some other name. Shibboleth of ancestry. Sheepish in the fractional margin, somebody else's tax write-off. Well that's alright then squabbled amongst ourselves, and sight of blood and Crimson globule suspended in the outraged air.
Crossing of the threshold now there can be no turning back.

Corporate sponsorship. Negative rapture. The body annulled no information / cessation of the data-stream. Vision-screen breaks into TV snow, then dies.

Puppets of the scripts. Jumping jellybeans.

School play papier-mache mitre and crozier. Vernacular song steep rooves. Birds on the telephone wires. How to hope, now, with so much already lost and so much Time behind us. Ineradicable. In the terror
of the Every Day. I WANT THAT. Touch paper make a wish. Cave breathing smoke impudent music enchanted isle. Trees dancing now, fireflies in smudged night, candle in a jam jar.

Pink interregnum.

Stupid eager eyes, unable to understand
just what it is which holds us back
Straining at the leash of
The good in sight

Cathartic emission of expulsion of utter error spasms of
up the back and thighs and juddering.
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Well-known member
Yeah don't worry lads it's just the sneak preview of my new bestseller don't get overexcited you nobheads