

pass the sick bucket
forming a vanguard that seeks to dethrone art, or make it pure body intellect:

the resolution of the Cartesian mind body dualism western rock music and rockism has not managed to escape.

we want real intelligent music, music that isn't the intelligence of knobs and hotshots and daddies kids.


pass the sick bucket
avant-moddism can be naive or endearing or even exagerratedly kitsch but it scorns and ruthlessly attacks the kitsch for kitch sake of postmodernism. avant-moddism is still fundamentally a project opposed to state mandated multiculturalism. liberal musical values don't exist in avant-moddism, not even necessarily overtly communist ones, just a need to preserve the great unassimilable libidinal energies of the dance. enjoying the madness, enjoying the schizophrenia of sex or not getting sex. the eroding of ones constructed identities.


pass the sick bucket
just as Thomas Aquinas was more Aristotelian than Aristotle, just as Bordiga said he was more Leninist than lenin, and just as any good communist today should always claim to be more Marxist than Marx (this does not contradict with marx's utterence he was not a marxist btw, think about it!) we must be more new york and detroit than detroit.



pass the sick bucket
heartbreak as medicine.

if commercial house is taking a trip into love and then having your heart shattered when you come down, avant-moddism is the love of starting out where the heart is shattered to assault the petrified contentment of the dance.

we don't take amphetamines to feel happy, we take them to feel even more terrible.

only through this psychic apocalypse can we remain relevant.



pass the sick bucket
to those all horrified at the rebellion of the sexual unconscious, we say, so what? if it tears down this rotten edifice of musical segregation, then so what? let the accrued intelligence of centuries congeal into a frankenstein's monster to overthrow all frankensteins.



pass the sick bucket
the pure essence of the blues tradition in this ungoddly torrent of ardkore noise. kirk degiorgio can hang out with pete tong and the soul mafia if he must and cannot hear the real bluesy swing feel here. the avant-mod continuum does not disown all products of the hetjazzfunk continuum, however it sees itself as the main tradition rebelling against it. we want to return to before when radio airplay mizell bros jazz was a thing, not transcend its values. we want to intensify the clammer that existed before the soho contingent got into music. we are like the caveman nostalgics who want the return of the single human community. this is the most modernist act. we hardily concur. we want food, procreation and dance. we do not even recognise gender.
