
i risked both real (apparently according to my windoze) and fake malware (popups shouting that i must call microsoft, with dialogue boxes to prevent you closing them) to get hold of Herzog's latest film about the internet, which is apparently available on many platforms which i don't have access to, from some dodgy website i found quite easily on google/ddg. it let me stream and download, while fending off other unsavory popups, and best of all the link to stream the high res version rickrolls you!

The experience certainly enhanced the movie for me, which was occasionally quite dull but with some nice moments... worth a rewatch, & a recommend

Not sure what Werner's position on pirating his work is, or rather i think he would disapprove, but maybe he'd enjoy the irony. I saw him talking quite fondly about all the herzogbots on twitter.


bandz ahoy
'Nathan: One day the AIs are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa. An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.'

There were some bad bits, like 'Caleb: If you've created a conscious machine, it's not the history of man. That's the history of gods.'


bandz ahoy
The line I quoted struck a false note cos I wouldn't expect a nerdy guy like that to say something like that.

Whereas the Jackson Pollock thing I can see a Steve Jobs-y sort of guy saying.


bandz ahoy
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt there but really it could just be that he wanted a visually interesting/striking way to explain some abstruse point about programming.

Did you relate to Eva, you being a robot created by sadmanbarty?


Well-known member
Nice little analysis of the shining:

It says that 'creepiness' is derived from ambiguity.

I rewatched the omen last night. They tell you early on that he’s the anti-christ so this is the only thing that happens before you know, it’s definitely the peak of the film:

This scene would have been far more unsettling if you didn’t know whether or not the nanny did it on purpose:



bandz ahoy
Coherence. Wow. One of the best films ever tbh

It's shit.

Saw 'Un Chien Andalou' at the BFI the other day

Really loved it. Proper funny. Must have absolutely blown people's minds back in 1929.

'L'Age D'Or' too, which I found a bit of an ordeal. Full of arresting images, and funny ideas but was sooo stretched out and the perpetual soundtrack was doing my head in.

Which dog-kicking scene is funnier - the one in L'Age D'Or or the one in Anchorman?



Well-known member

Save The Tiger (1973) - excellent movie, Jack Lemmon as a middle class business man in the clothing industry when all he always believed crumbled and he has to resort to drastic measures.


Darned cockwombles.
A sci-fi-come-horror film about identity confusions, fits into a kind of thematic lineage from Primer onwards. I think it's very good, though it could have been even better given how great the set-up is. Filmed in the director's own house on little to no budget, as I remember

there was a much better article than this drawing links between Coherence, Primer, It Follows and a new kind of indie sci-fi film....damned if I can find it again though, so the reddit'll have to do
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Well-known member
Sci-fi, post apocalyptic films, drone music, Tom Waits...

Our interests are converging, good to see Ive been having an impact.