John Doe

Well-known member
The words: 'You and Me' spelt out by tying white plastic bags to the inner posts in a roadside barrier on Wood Lane


there are no accidents
Michael Douglas type white male standing by an exit off the free-way with cardboard in hand begging for change.


Well-known member
This on the microsoft website:

Are some of these tips just a little too New Age-y for you? Perhaps they are. But consider the story of Brian Talbot, who might have benefited from some of these strategies 13 years ago. He was driving himself hard as an up-and-coming executive in the accounting department of a retail-goods importer in Stamford, Conn., when he discovered that his career was out of whack.
One day, he found himself late for a flight to Los Angeles and "rushed, rushed, rushed," to make it to the gate on time. "All of a sudden I couldn't stand up, and just fell to the ground," he remembers. "The next thing I knew I was being awakened in a hospital bed." It turns out that he'd had a brain aneurysm — a condition that eventually prompted him to leave his high-stress job and become a nightclub DJ. sort out his health problems!?


i'm just going down to google to look for some stuff. back in a bit.


Was buying a shirt for my dad's birthday in Marks and Sparks in Liverpool at lunchtime and saw Andy McClusky from OMD in the que ahead of me buying a couple of jumpers.
He was really tall.


Well-known member
1.a cockroach, stricken on its back in the sun, being eaten alive by a hundred ants.

simon silverdollar

a massive security guard at Fopp records dancing and singing along to wham's 'wake me up before you go go', which was playing over the PA


Two Disney 'Vacation Planner' DVDs in the mailbox we share with three other apartments, one addressed to Jesus Christ, the other to Adolf Hitler.


Everyone and their hound seems to be using the word ‘misogynist’ all of a sudden. It appears to be a neat shorthand to describe a little bit of anything. Titoist!


This on the microsoft website:

Are some of these tips just a little too New Age-y for you? Perhaps they are. But consider the story of Brian Talbot, who might have benefited from some of these strategies 13 years ago. He was driving himself hard as an up-and-coming executive in the accounting department of a retail-goods importer in Stamford, Conn., when he discovered that his career was out of whack.
One day, he found himself late for a flight to Los Angeles and "rushed, rushed, rushed," to make it to the gate on time. "All of a sudden I couldn't stand up, and just fell to the ground," he remembers. "The next thing I knew I was being awakened in a hospital bed." It turns out that he'd had a brain aneurysm — a condition that eventually prompted him to leave his high-stress job and become a nightclub DJ. sort out his health problems!?



Well-known member
2.two bull ants struggling with the carcass of a huntsman spider

3.the tiny skeleton of a nestling to which flies are drawn, like worhippers to the remains of a saint.

4.a family of possums on a shed roof. child clinging to mothers back. round eyes shining in the street lights.


Discarded Christmas trees at seemingly regular intervals down the length of essex road. Are they part of some occult pattern?


The Heatwave
i've seen lots of these (not on essex road, just generally) - is there some kind of special council christmas tree collection team?

mine's already growing little green shoots, i've left it in its pot and put it on my balcony. hopefully i won't have to buy another one next year :)


But the witches might come and steal it! You were supposed to have it down by the 6th, else a curse be upon you...

I think people are just lazy and chuck 'em in the street, but maybe I'm just being glass-half-empty. Maybe the witches are strapped for space this year.

Someone dumped one round the corner from my house and it was there for ages. Bastards.


The Heatwave
i'm generally very unsuperstitious, but having christmas decorations up past 12th night is something that i've always been very wary of. i made sure that all the lights, candy canes and mirrorballs were off before midnight on the 6th and got rid of my mistletoe, but having the bare tree on my balcony is alright isn't it? i hope so, i don't want a witch to come and bang on my balcony door...


I expect they'll let you off especially as they seem to lack space in their witchy storehouse, judging by the amount of trees they've left in the street.


Well-known member
i saw some dirty big crow holdoing a pigeon down by its throat, clawing at it, just killing the poor fucker. then some miner birds see what was happening, and they don't like crows, and they don't like bullies so they started dive bombing the crow now, just diving at it, fucking with it until it had to let the pigeon go. i've seen miners and mynas fucking with crows and magpies a lot. i've seen indian myna birds fucking with cats, diving at them, seagulls attacking comorants, crested pigeons attacking magpies, too many bird battles to mention.

i also saw this sign outside the baptist chruch
jeus loves osama.


waiting for a time
"I don't mind if you forget me" etched into whitewashed window of disused shop in at the bottom of Lower Clapton Road.


Girl on the tube (of Middle Eastern extraction) wearing an Islamic head scarf, coupled with goth make up, loads of very pale foundation and eyeliner, and black studded fingerless glove on one hand.


I'm sure some of you have seen these things on top of bus stops around east London - weird little potatoes painted with multi-coloured spikes sticking out of them, and now flat pictures with representation of crude circular object with coloured lines coming out of them. Whats that all about then?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Girl on the tube (of Middle Eastern extraction) wearing an Islamic head scarf, coupled with goth make up, loads of very pale foundation and eyeliner, and black studded fingerless glove on one hand.
That sounds quite hot, in an odd sort of way.
In my shameful past as a (former!) member of my Uni's 'Rock and Metal' society, I knew this guy (heavy-drinking mathematician, 'nuff said) who was of South Indian extraction, i.e. very dark skin, who didn't let that stop him trying to be a goth - he used to slap on loads of white face paint and it made him look green, especially under the UV light in the student union when there was a rock night.

I'm sure some of you have seen these things on top of bus stops around east London - weird little potatoes painted with multi-coloured spikes sticking out of them, and now flat pictures with representation of crude circular object with coloured lines coming out of them. Whats that all about then?
Yup, seen those. Idle Rich started a thread about them, I believe.