why i <3 new york


"I'd say that there are probably more quintessential Londoners that are actually from London than there are quintessential New Yorkers that are actually from New York, perhaps due to the size of the US vs the size of the UK and the fact that there are far fewer cities in the US that can compete with New York as a source of art, culture and business. The concept is probably also less controversial in New York since it has always been an immigrant city (I saw a stat a little while ago that indicated that something like 40% of the population is non-US born)."
I always wonder about things like that. How many people who live in London are from London originally etc? Not sure I buy that thing about fewer cities that can compete with New York, the US has San Fran, Chicago etc whereas the UK has....Manchester perhaps? London is the city with most nationalities, most languages spoken etc basically the most cosmopolitan city in the world. Either way I think that it's people that come to London or New York with ideas about what the place can be that make it what it is. Basically I hate people who are precious about being real Londoners - possibly because I'm not one - but really because if everyone had that attitude it would be a shit place to live.