global financial crash yay!



Yes. Let's consume more oil! That will fix everything forever!!

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Well it is going to run out some time. We're going to have to stop using it all together one way or another.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Unfortunately for the world, it looks as if there's simply shitloads of coal left (enough to last 200 years at current consumption levels, apparently) and China loves the stuff, so the depletion of oil reserves isn't going to be the planet's 'built-in' global warming-buster it may look like at first glance.
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Well it is going to run out some time. We're going to have to stop using it all together one way or another.

Exactly -- nomadologist and Zhao's position is not even coherent. What do they want me to say -- oil is bad? Peak oil is here? I have no idea, since all I have said is that the price of oil should be measured against its historical precedents, and that it is unlikely to remain high forever.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
So it would be hypocritical of anyone taking the position that we need to cut down on our oil consumption and find alternatives not to call for action.


Vimothy, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean their point is "incoherent." Nice try, though.

The point is simple: we need to move to alternative energy sources as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Now let me scroll back and find those posts where Vimothy was advocating drilling new oil wells...where was it? South America?


Unfortunately for the world, it looks as if there's simply shitloads of coal left (enough to last 200 years at current consumption levels, apparently) and China loves the stuff, so the depletion of oil reserves isn't going to be the planet's 'built-in' global warming-buster it may look like at first glance.

Let's take those two problems, add middle eastern political instability and strife, and get WWIII shall we?
don't know about the rest of y'all but i for one think attitudes like Vimothy's with regard to the oil (and other) non-crisis is totally awesome. in the sense of facilitating acceleration.

yes let america have its last blow-off binge like a dying junkie hooked on debt fueled consumption YAY!



As played by Arnold Schwarzeneger ...

"Your oil, your land, your vimin - Give Them To Me!"


there are no accidents
There have been no suggestions that Jay-Z's fellow rapper 50 Cent could be considering a move into a different currency.

ha! and maybe a name change as well? 50 Pence ain't bad.


Check your weapon
Its no co-incidence that the major housing construction projects around North-East London at the moment are the 1 or 2 Bedroom Luxury Flat/Apartment type, with bearly any 3-4 bedroom "family" homes being built at all. This cannot but lead to exposure, due to the time (say 2-3 years ago when the financing and plans for these builds were completed) when it was viable to provide housing on-mass of this type, to what is hapening now, when you have low-square footage properties hugely overpriced, and no onw wanting to buy them. People right this moment who bought into London Docklands (Waping and the like) properties, are finding that the weekly rent on thier investments are no longer covering ther own mortgage on the properites, and are quickly having to sell their own houses to cover the cost - the rental market drop, which has been happening for at least a year now in London, should have been seen as a clear indicator of something going wrong, but it looks like it was sadly ignored on the promise of profits over reason. Hence, the overall value of property has been seen to drop over the last few months, but the value of "family homes" has stayed steady, or indeed risen due to lack of demand. But that value will indeed drop soon as well, as it is hard now to justify the price of a "family home" in a generally falling market, leading to futher stagnation. Not sure if this is going to lead to a housing crash - it all depends if people really need to sell vs can they last out a bit longer - there will be casualites, as is the case in any falling market.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Rob, I don't get this bit:
the value of "family homes" has stayed steady, or indeed risen due to lack of demand
Surely a lack of demand leads to a fall in value?


Check your weapon
Rob, I don't get this bit:

Surely a lack of demand leads to a fall in value?

Balls'd that up - lack of supply I meant - demand is as great as ever, but no one is selling, and is a standoff between buyers feeling that houses are over priced, vs owners who know that there is short supply, and therefore hold their ground. Given that the market has sustained over pricing for the last 3-4 years, its hard to feel sympathy for anyone.


"Its no co-incidence that the major housing construction projects around North-East London at the moment are the 1 or 2 Bedroom Luxury Flat/Apartment type"
Every day when I go on the bus and see all these developments I wonder where all the people are going to come from who can pay the money to live in these. It often crossed my mind that some of these developers are surely going to get burnt.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Right, sure.
I see what you mean, but I do feel sorry for people who can't get into the market at all.
It's a tricky situation all round, and with increasing life expectancy and immigration being what it is, it's not going to get easier any time soon.