This year

Jaie Miller

Well-known member
Iam a man who at times happens to be subject to all kinds of 'realisasions' revalations and ideas about life etc. Nothing ever happens to be set in concrete and I change often all the time a lot. Perhaps that may be an exageration. Am not quite the person who I'd like to be but there are moments. So this year there have been two 'things' that have happened that have stood out as focal points of my world view and such.

The first one follows; 'talentless' people will always be portrayed as royalty, their opinions based on bean pie will always be viewed as important. They will get much press. They will be given much media exposure. Their cats their dog and their children will be shown everyday despite weather or not you like to see them, what their views are, weather they can see or not. while perhaps the more deserving play the sidelines and are shunned, ignored and disrespected. Celebrities will be considered blessings regardless of talent regardless of intergrity regardless of sense. this I understood this year. Came to accept. at last I can finally move on, beyond it. :D

The second important thing that happened to me this year was this. I became COMPLETLY DESENSITIZED to scence of violence. Particularly in the middle east. I became COMPLETLY DESENSITIZED to scenes of violence around the world and in the middle east, on anyside. Not just the scenes, but the numbers and the facts and the info. 100 died in Iraq(oh yeah, that was like EVERYDAY), 27 in Palestine, 9 in jerusalem, 50 in sri lanka all of it meant and still means NOTHING to me. Perhaps, it has something to with the way the news reporter delivers the message, - up next the weather- :rolleyes: kinda thing. But it still remains. One day I just didn't care. And I still don't, it's too constant, too casual, too relaxed and I don't even bat an eyelid. :(

So there are the two things that happend to me this year that stand out as important revelations or desisions or ideas, beliefs etc.

Does anyone have any they might like to share? Know what I mean? Care?