
Well-known member
Let’s get this out of the way: In any normative, clinical, or social sense of the word, very simply, Land did ‘go mad.’ Afterwards he did not shrink from meticulously documenting this process, as if writing up a failed (?) experiment. He regarded the degeneration of his ‘breakthrough’ into a ‘breakdown’ as ultimate and humiliating proof of the incapacity of the human to escape the ‘headcase,’ the prison of the personal self. Wretchedly, for Land, it was no longer possible to tell whether his speculative epiphanies had been (as he had believed at the height of his delirium) glimmers of access to the transcendental—or just the pathetic derangements of a psyche pushed to the derisory limits of its tolerance. The experiment was over.


It's a good point more conversational might be better

I was a little enamored with concision in 2019 when I wrote that one. Sentences that try to say the thing as compactly as possible.


But I also feel like part of that is up your alley, or what Prediction Tablet and your other poetry is up to


That post the subject matter seemed to demand the kind of writing that would yield to paranoiac, schizophrenic pattern-matching. All these hints and pointers, little synchronicities.


I do want to get to the bottom of the "forcefield" because people keep telling me my blog is too intimidating to ever pick up readers and I don't know what to do about it


Well-known member
I do want to get to the bottom of the "forcefield" because people keep telling me my blog is too intimidating to ever pick up readers and I don't know what to do about it
i havent managed to work out exactly what is going on yet but if i do i will let you know. for me it was almost instant. before it would have even had a chance to intimidate. its an interesting effect.