Recent content by xenogoth

  1. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    To notice I post here and then just act as if I'm not here is so weird. (Although it's hardly a place I come unless coaxed since thirdform soils himself every time I try and play normal poster.) The desire to play Repeater Top Trumps like I don't wish Kit every success with this is also weird...
  2. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    You seem to have invented a man to be mad at, and I'm sorry to tell you he bears no resemblance to me.
  3. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    It's better if you just acknowledge the externalisation and leave it at that, otherwise you're no different to a Wire pantshitter yelling at clouds.
  4. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    That's certainly true.
  5. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    I'm not against this in principle, tbh. I actually quite like when a review waxes lyrical a bit, using the book or film or record under consideration to examine the lay of the land a bit. Ironically, that's what I think Reynolds is particularly good at, and what gets him into trouble — people...
  6. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    Well, of course! That's undeniable!!
  7. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    But yeah... Sorry. Not to derail from the book again. Repeater Radio content was ace and I'm gonna take it with me on holiday in September. Excited to dig in.
  8. xenogoth

    Neon Screams!

    This thread has been very illuminating. I haven't even read Neon Screams yet and had no idea there was any beef or history. I just wanted to read the Grouper cover feature because I love her... You can tell he's trying to hide the animosity (even saying he was being "polite" in that tumblr...
  9. xenogoth

    the kantbot nexus

    Luka DMd him to come wade in here hahaa. I think everyone's pretty spot on here with their assessments, lol. Edburg is a really lovely guy and is effortlessly nice to everyone. Not sure how he became embroiled with KB but they seem to have fun together. KB was someone I used to be very...
  10. xenogoth

    trading 212 on your mobile

    sorry i missed you! i dont remember seeing an email. could have been when i was moving house or moving email addresses or might have just been swamped. would be happy to contribute next time!
  11. xenogoth

    Do we really want out?

    Silly you, being a pedant. Same difference.
  12. xenogoth

    Do we really want out?

    Such was Lyotard's critique of critique, even of Marx — the reason he never finished Capital was because he couldn't bring himself to. Always elongating his argument so he didn't critique himself out of a job. It's very easy to be cynical about putting out Mark's final lectures, attaching the...
  13. xenogoth

    Do we really want out?

    Not my account just fyi Although this place does have very chaotic energy
  14. xenogoth

    Your Journey to the Alt-Right.

    one time we had a disabled kid who was bullied for being effeminate and he later got ten years for sex offences. grange hill triple threat.
  15. xenogoth

    Your Journey to the Alt-Right.

    i dunno, that sounds like an average week at my old school.