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  1. C

    Usb Live Gig Donwloads

    I have started to record all my gigs, and can offer anyone who has a usb key the gig in mp3 format, 192 kps, within ten minutes of coming offstage.. I have been doing this for a month and have had quite a few takers. The reason for doing this is to offer people a recording of an event which...
  2. C

    logical framework for change

    Hi Oh dissenters ......... For you, An exercise in logic, which is design to re-align ALL discussions with Politicians, Councillors, Religious Teachers, Lay Teachers, Parents and anyone I have left out ......! 1. We can agree that there are adults on Earth. 2. We can agree that there are...
  3. C

    9/11,3/20 release

    Hi , I trust all is well in your world...... so here it is, my prayer song for 9/11, 3/20 go to the single </a>to listen and or to download ..... and leave comments if you so wish ..... and if you appreciate the tunes, and the sentiments that go with them...
  4. C

    10 may 2006 - Corneilius releases Free Parliament Square EP

    I have just release a new single, two free songs, (it's a double 'A' sided single) hard hitting expressions of my feelings about nuclear weapons, depleted uranium and governments who kill children as a matter of policy. It's on the music page of my website Enjoy is...
  5. C

    How to restore democracy?

    This is really interesting. I have just read The Power Inquiry Report, which one may order online, for free. It is the result of an 18 month study, funded by The Joeseph Rowntree Reform Trust with input from community groups, NGOs, charities, local government, interested indiduals, voter and...
  6. C

    18 free tunes!

    Hiya to all you dissenters, you rock! I have 18 tunes that are available on my website,, all of which are dissident folk music for the 21st Century..... enjoy! They are at the music page just three clicks away. You can read my lyrical re-write of U2s "Streets with...