Intuitionist Maths might help reconcile quantum physics and relativity


Binary & Tweed
I'm starting to see how matter is only a relevant concept at certain scales, and how energy and mass are related.


Binary & Tweed
I'm just starting to attempt to wrap my mind around fields instead of particles, how energy fluctuations beyond certain thresholds in certain fields register to us, perceptually, as particles.
Does quantum field theory imply that the quantized "nature" of energy is more of an artifact of our perception than it is an absolute characteristic of the universe?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Does quantum field theory imply that the quantized "nature" of energy is more of an artifact of our perception than it is an absolute characteristic of the universe?
No, it's not just an epistemological artefact, although it is sometimes presented like that at undergraduate level, typically in terms of how you can only probe a particle's position or moment by hitting it with other particles. Rather, it does seem to be an intrinsic and unavoidable feature of reality.

Various attempts have been made to construct alternative frameworks in which fundamentally deterministic physical laws are somehow clothed in an apparent randomness, but I think all of these have either been disproven empirically, or at best give exactly the same predictions as standard, vanilla-flavour quantum mechanics while requiring more ad-hoc assumptions.


Binary & Tweed
I will, I think this is very important. I only just recently learned about quantum field theory, and I've just about got the standard model memorized, but Dirac notation I don't understand (largely because I don't really understand complex numbers), and I also haven't heard of anything you just mentioned, aside from being vaguely aware of AR = APR, which I also don't understand.


Binary & Tweed
Oh but I did watch the David Bohm documentary that came out last year, so I'm vaguely aware of how he rebelled against the Einstein generation of physicists in some respect, but I didn't understand the nature of this disagreement.


Binary & Tweed
Involved Hawking for a while, up until his death, and continued on following the findings of those who preserved his legacy.