padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I'm pointing out a double standard and that the supposedly inclusive fashionable language of the day is anything but
double standard, OK - sexism exists, no one has said otherwise

that doesn't mean "people with a cervix" isn't more inclusive than "women"

your argument is that because not all language is inclusive, that the inclusive language that is being used is somehow bad?

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
Women with learning disabilities, women with English as a second language, women from poor backgrounds with limited education are actually excluded by a term like 'individuals with a cervix'

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
any time any disadvantaged group starts sticking up for itself we (society) go through these language fights

at first it seems silly or onerous to people who don't get, eventually it becomes the normal respectful manner of speaking

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Women with learning disabilities, women with English as a second language, women from poor backgrounds with limited education are actually excluded by a term like 'individuals with a cervix'
there's a valid concern

surely then the answer is to find language that includes them as well, rather than excluding trans men and non-binary people with a cervix

perhaps "cisgendered women and other individuals with a cervix"

even if someone doesn't know what cisgendered means, "women" is still right there

if you're really for including everyone, that's the kind of solution you'll favor, whether those are the exact words or not


Well-known member
I cannot imagine finding being termed a cis-man rather than a man being offensive at all, I'm going to need this one explained to me

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
alright benny, what's your inclusive solution?

cause I suspect your real problem is with including trans people at all, like the four-letter acronym I'm avoiding calling you

Benny Bunter

Well-known member
I suppose 'women and trans men' might be better.

Lol, and you can call me what you like, thats on you. I couldn't care less


Cat Malogen
“Individuals with a prostrate” is fine and would be more inclusive for transwomen.

Perhaps the reason why this hasn’t been seen so much is that in the UK at least smear tests are massively more common than tests for prostrate cancer.

I am not sure what the deal is in the US but in Austria there are mandatory tests for prostrate cancer over the age of 50.

When I asked my Doctor about this they said it wasn’t something we did here because of the high level of false positives.

of course this isn’t the case for smear tests which are recommended regularly for people with a cervix.

Happened to me very recently after a routine bloods appt (sugars and an insistence for Covid antibodies). My Dad died of spinal cancer fairly young, one of the most monstrous few months imaginable. So the nurse on duty does the sample in full ppe, asks about the weather (such distilled Britishness), but when I raised a question about prostate tests and my old man’s history she batted me off about false positives and to wait 3/4 years. Covid results delayed until Monday. It’s not a perfect world.