
constant escape

winter withered, warm
never have the slightest idea what you mean by the word 'ideology'
If you mean me, I tend to reduce that word down to meaning "value system / belief system" in the broadest sense.

Its a word that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


Well-known member
it's all warhammer/RPGs. it's all worldbuilding. it's all moving units over the game space. it's all 19th century race science by way of elves, orcs and barabarians.


Well-known member

obviously i have to laugh at his risible prose and self-dramatisation but looking over this he has some things right eg

"The gist of it is that our body spontaneously generates mythology. It is my suspicion that there is a literal body model in our cognitive apparatus (after all Jung said at its core the soul is image based) and we couple ourselves to that model body through memory, language, culture, experience.

Part of that coupling is the modeling of spatial relations of our body to the world and another big purpose of this cognitive double is to be a sort of scout or envoy whomstve job it is to be cast out into space with the sole/soul purpose of exploring the landscape, looking for resources, friends, foes, dangers and areas/communities of respite. That is to say our very being casts a projection of an archetypal body (which is perhaps hermaphroditic) out into space and without this relation we could not know ahead of time where to stand or orient to err on the side of survival."

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I was really scrambled listening to the guy. He said how he took the red pill concept from The Matrix, and the white supremacists took it from him. He referred to core trump supporters as "MAGAtards", which alone is enough to confound normative political registers these days. He talked about endorsing Obama twice, said he endorsed Sanders, and that he was planning on voting for Biden - anyway, if he is a cryptofascist, then cryptofascism is way better at being crypto than almost anyone thinks. Because he didn't seem disingenuous.

He did get into a sort of... apologism for

I haven't picked up on RPG stuff, but Yarvin made several mentions/dismissals about radical leftists "LARPing" and whatnot, but I suppose that is a term that can more or less be distributed evenly these days. Also, don't want to put words in anyone's mouth.

A lot of the stuff psychotopography/______topography would be about is identifying the kinds of currents that carry people from one ideology to another, stripping ideologies apart and recombining them - stuff that has undoubtedly been mulled over and ruminated into a pulp. But maybe it hasn't been approached in a certain way, and maybe if it is combined with a few other techniques, it may allow for some interesting possibilities. The sigil point that was made is of interest, because I hadn't really framed it all in a context of magick.

But yeah, unplaceables like Yarvin are fascinating to me, in this kind of framework at least. Outstanding case studies.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
obviously i have to laugh at his risible prose and self-dramatisation but looking over this he has some things right eg

"The gist of it is that our body spontaneously generates mythology. It is my suspicion that there is a literal body model in our cognitive apparatus (after all Jung said at its core the soul is image based) and we couple ourselves to that model body through memory, language, culture, experience.

Part of that coupling is the modeling of spatial relations of our body to the world and another big purpose of this cognitive double is to be a sort of scout or envoy whomstve job it is to be cast out into space with the sole/soul purpose of exploring the landscape, looking for resources, friends, foes, dangers and areas/communities of respite. That is to say our very being casts a projection of an archetypal body (which is perhaps hermaphroditic) out into space and without this relation we could not know ahead of time where to stand or orient to err on the side of survival."
Visually, it reminds me a bit of Donnie Darko, but I don't wanna reduce the nuance out of the mix.


Well-known member
i have seen Donnie Darko but it made so little impression on me that I can't remember a single image from it. It's left no trace whatsoever.


Well-known member
what needs to be identified and analysed is what underlies ideology. the more basic pre-verbal orientations that ideology is built upon and articulates

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I've got my eyes on what underpins it layers down, but there still seem to layers that aren't evident.

My point of departure for your quest there is something like this: how the species (as a swarm-intelligence) subsists by hedging its bets by means of variation, which amounts, in the swarm, to some distribution/difference of belief. It's almost like, as intelligence reaches a human stage and then a society stage, it is entering a territory where it's just, again, vastly hedging its bets. And the natural selection of ideology would be something like the evolution of the world historical spirit.

Again, there still seems to be a lot between that and what we feel as ideology/belief/conviction.

And the monumentally confusing thing is: capitalism is becoming increasingly evident as being true to cosmic-intelligence / intelligence-matter


Well-known member
A lot of the stuff psychotopography/______topography would be about is identifying the kinds of currents that carry people from one ideology to another, stripping ideologies apart and recombining them - stuff that has undoubtedly been mulled over and ruminated into a pulp. But maybe it hasn't been approached in a certain way, and maybe if it is combined with a few other techniques, it may allow for some interesting possibilities. The sigil point that was made is of interest, because I hadn't really framed it all in a context of magick.

I looked into what luka was saying last night about Bannon claiming politics is downstream of culture and apparently he got it from Andrew Breitbart,

Breitbart perceives himself as a new-media David out to slay old-media Goliaths. As he sees it, the left exercises its power not via mastery of the issues but through control of the entertainment industry, print and television journalism and government agencies that set social policy. “Politics,” he often says, “is downstream from culture. I want to change the cultural narrative.” Thus the Big sites devote their energy less to trying to influence the legislative process in Washington than to attacking the institutions and people Breitbart believes dictate the American conversation.


constant escape

winter withered, warm
What are the basics of Breitbart? Another thing I have no understanding of.

Bannon is interesting though. Another case of my low-resolution image not lining up at all.