The Ismopticon: A Metric for Ideology

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Thanks to @catalog 's suggestion regarding psychotopography, I got to reconsidering the psyche- element, attempting to focus more on ideology, which seems to be best encapsulated in ismos, which is usually used as the suffix -ism. Thus psychotopography becomes ismotopography. Still needs work, perhaps.

What was, and is, to be done? To device a manner of accounting for ideological difference in perspective, that is, the difference of values and value systems. How one situation can register with different values to different observers.

This difference in values is to be expressed across two axes, with minimal loss of robustness. "All models are wrong, but some are useful."

Ismopticon model.png

These two axes, X and Y, combining to form a plane, will map out the territory of ideology. Good talk on this forum about maps and territories. A point on this plane denotes a unique ideology.

These two dimensions are interchangeable. The ones I used were the best I had to work with, but I'm sure there are better ones. The point is, again, to capture as robustly as possible the complete variation of ideology, using only two dimensions. In this case, the axis of destabilization/stabilization (X) and the axis of hindsight/foresight (Y). Whether or not there needs to be an axis for time and an axis for space, I don't know. It occurred to me, and I thought I'd throw it in.

The axis of destabilization/stabilization measures what one thinks of the current status quo, what their ends are. Should it be tweaked, overhauled, demolished? Or should it be reinforced as it is? As far as I can tell, deterritorialization and territorialization work here. Given this is something of a materialist measurement, it is correlated with space.

The axis of hindsight/foresight measures where, temporally, one turns to to learn how to effect their desired ends. Do they tend to learn more from tradition, or do they tend to novelty?

The four quadrants generated by their two axes are as follows:

New manners (Y+) of stabilization (X+)

Proven manners (Y-) of stabilization (X+)

New manners (Y+) of destabilization (X-)

Proven manners (Y-) of destabilization (X-)

There is a third dimension, but a special one, one that isn't interchangeable like X and Y. This is the measure of how many different perspectives one can appreciate/understand.

At the top extremity we have monopia, "eye/sight that sees one", which knows only one perspective. This is virtually impossible, seeing as nobody has such a clean and singular view (unfalsifiable claim here: I'd argue that they harbor unconscious ideological forces that "spread" their perspective slightly, or vastly, across the board).

At the bottom extremity, we have panopia, "eye/sight that sees all", which knows all perspectives, and is thus rendered ambivalence, practically spectatorial. The tenability of this position is, I'm inclined to say, impossible. In order to thoroughly understand all perspectives, one needs to have completely straightened any ideological leanings.

The "tentpole of ambivalence" for the lack of a better term, is the set of all possible ambivalent perspectives. This set is actually a vector, seeing as it includes direction as well as quantity. What direction? The "lower" ones position on this tentpole, the wider range of perspectives they can understand. At the surface, or the topmost extremity/point of the tentpole, one's position of ambivalence amounts to little more than indecision, whereas at the bottom, their ambivalence is the dialectical sublation of all possible perspectives.

I think it would be cool to make a more ornamental diagram here, but this should suffice in delivering a functional representation.

The most important aspects:

The Z dimension, of perspectival plurality, is fixed, whereas X and Y are interchangeable. They are interchangeable because we are always liable to find more robust maps of ideological difference.

This is called the Ismopticon because it is a tool, a tool for understanding (an epistechnique). By arbitrating a position on this map, the user can simulate/extrapolate upon the ideology that is represented by that point.

How to use it? Pick a topic, ideally one with a robust variation of value across people's opinions. Then pick a point on that top XY plane, and determine how that perspective would consider that topic.

A statistical quibble: While expressing a person's ideology as a point, no matter how robust the axes, we risk being reductive. However, if we express their ideology as a spread across the plane, with concentrations in some areas and absences in others, such a spread can be collapsed, statistically, into a single point by way of averages/weights/etc (things I don't know, yet alone know enough to explain).

This tool, as a lens of subjectivity, may allow us to better investigate, through a secondary lens of intersubjectivity (a certain logoscape, theory in the works), our objective environment: noise.

Once this layered optic device is built, the stage for nootopology should be set, and solving complex problems should be much easier. But those assumptions are built on many ambiguities, my own pride being one of them, and perhaps things are not so straightforward.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
If anyone has input, especially regarding the X and Y axes, I'd love to hear it.

Also, could be interesting to theorize ideology-analysis in relation to hegemony.


Well-known member
This is a fun way of visualling the possibility space and its structure. The tent pole of ambiguity is a great term.


Well-known member
I like the drawing a lot. I'm not sure it is an advance on what is already implicit in terms like conservative/radical. But I do think it looks really cool.


Well-known member
The end of resistance can be figured as a move out of 2-dimensional space and the tug of war between two evenly matched opposites. The Reddit version likes is another visualisation of this.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
why are the lines straight tho?
You mean the axes X and Y, or the whole thing?

I think because flattening some kind of variation/distribution into a single dimension merely makes it easier to measure, no? At the cost of losing some of the robustness. Using two dimensions helps, but it still does a disservice to the sheer amount of difference in people's value-systems.

It really just (kind of) functions as a graph, but the whole optic/tool aspect allows us to use it in perhaps weird ways.

I also think the edges of X and Y are horizons, seeing as one cannot be place on any of the edges.

Not sure if I really answered your question though.


Well-known member
i mean eg the line between monopia and panopia, foresight and hindsight. i feel like they should not really be straight lines. as that suggest edges. but would there be edges? is it not more like a big ball?

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I like the drawing a lot. I'm not sure it is an advance on what is already implicit in terms like conservative/radical. But I do think it looks really cool.
Thanks. Yeah it is leaning pretty heavily on the conservative/liberal dichotomy as the tried-and-true divide. Also how that divide correlates to the foresight/hindsight divide might be largely redundant, seeing as we would almost exclusively associate foresight with progressivism, and hindsight with control/conservation.

The X Y axes can use some work. Thankfully this thing built itself so as to make them interchangeable.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
i mean eg the line between monopia and panopia, foresight and hindsight. i feel like they should not really be straight lines. as that suggest edges. but would there be edges? is it not more like a big ball?
As far as I can understand, the edges don't exist in the proper sense. I wasn't sure how to express that, so I used the little wriggle/ripple in the line that is supposed to denote some additional stretch. That is, the edges are horizons, and you can move closer and closer to them without ever touching them.

One can't be all the way at the destabilize end, because that would indicate that they are seeking to revise/redefine every atom of their existence, and one can't be all the way at the stabilize end because that would indicate that they seeking to keep every atom of their existence as it is, and not eat, work, etc.

Likewise, being all the way at the foresight end would imply an absence of memory, suggesting that one does not draw from the past at all. And being all the way at hindsight would imply that one is moving backward through life, drawing only from what is behind them.

We may have people that land 90% of the way to one edge.

I think this may answer the question: the axes are put along the edge, when they could just as well have been put in the center, just for the sake of crowdedness. This could be expressed as a sphere, with the monopia-to-panopia dimension being a radius, the eye being in the center, and the whole surface denoting points of perspective.

That could work, but that would bring in another dimension, seeing as the monopia/panopia doesn't seem to be a proper dimension.

So actually, seeing this as a ball could work if there were a three-dimension mapping of ideology, which, while being all the more complicated, could very well grant a higher robustness.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Yeah every "slice" of that Z axis has an infinite amount of positions, except the bottommost point, which has one, a sort of god's eye perspective.


Well-known member
Have you read A Vision by Yeats? You mentioned gyres yesterday or the day before I think.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Haven't read that from Yeats - don't think I've read anything aside from the second coming - but there was an essay by Amy Ireland I believe about the inverted gyres. That's the kind of theory-machine I'm interested in constructing, ideally one that simple too.

I know nothing of Yeats though, short of his involvement in hermetic order of the golden dawn, alleged interaction with Crowley.


Well-known member
A Vision is a kind of much more ambitious, mad and detailed attempt to do what you're doing here. So worth looking at.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Just read through the Wheel - very interesting.

Although I sense something awry in my approach to these esoteric methods. Its as if I am approaching them in order to render them in less mystical terms, less esoteric terms (although the sober, academic jargon I opt for is just as esoteric) - but perhaps these terms are essential to the functioning of these concepts?

What do you think? Can esoteric teachings be expressed in exoteric terms? Or is something critical lost along the way?