Well-known member
thing is, I don't think of that sort of thing as being "left-wing". It's just stupid.

"Fully Automated Luxury Communism", "Acid Corbynism", "Left-Accelerationism" - the British intellectual left has been awash with these insane ideas over the past decade.


Well-known member
Just to clarify, my only engagement with the alt-right/alt-lite has been from reading Angela Nagle's Kill All Normies along with similar pieces in places like The Guardian - I've never even read or followed the likes of Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro.


Well-known member
Just to clarify, my only engagement with the alt-right/alt-lite has been from reading Angela Nagle's Kill All Normies along with similar pieces in places like The Guardian - I've never even read or followed the likes of Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro.

its alright we had faith in you. youre more grumpy old man than teenage edge lord


Well-known member
I thought kill all normies was good. She's not a great writer but it was properly researched and I think she's right, that altright took the edginess and ran with it etc


Well-known member
My friend who was born under communism used to regularly remind me that one of the problems with these utopian schemes dreamt up by the Western left is that they are generally formulated by individuals who have never experienced the lived reality of the revolutionary process and, as such, have not taken on board the lesson that revolutions never bring about the imagined circumstances which the initial instigators of the project originally conceive of implementing, regardless of how well planned they are. Curtis touches upon this in Pandora's Box.
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nothing ever works out as planned but its usually worth having a crack anyway. liven things up. have a bit of a laugh, gun down a few powerful people and if it all goes pear shaped at least you wont die wondering.


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I dunno, my gut feeling tells me that a Patreon funded, Grime soundtracked FALC coup led by Aaron Bastani and Ash Sarker with Owen Hatherley as Kommissar "planner-in-chief" would be an unmitigated disaster of biblical proportions for this country.