I’m aware of various dangers. Peter thiel money and Q and boring sanitisation. But it’s so multifaceted, I’m curious to watch it unfold. @Corpsey what do you think?


Well-known member
its multifaceted becasue its not in the hands of the coroprations. as soon as it is it will be a control vector. those facets will fall away. if they cant control it they will destroy it.
They’ve been dulled

In terms of substance regulation destroying it could only mean taking us back to where we are now in many places

Culturally psychedelic fascism is a concern but that’s only one psychedelia and as you say there are many


Well-known member
we need to get you paranoid again shiels. if youre paranoia is dulled it means your psychic powers are at a very low ebb. can you take some drugs and top them up? if youre not careful you will become a normal well adjusted person, happy go lucky and content with your lot.


Well-known member
not paying people to get kicked in the head would be better for brain health lets be honest.

i dont think govt and global corps need to alter psychdelics chemically just the sheer fact of them giving the out will structure the experience itself making it evil and corrupt diseased
Thank you for your input Luka but Washyourhands is the only man to give us the inside scoop and safe bet as both a druggy mentalist weirdo AND a fully certified institutionalised therapist
What about that all that stuff about your third way, middle path, guiding the boat between treacherous poles?


Well-known member
yeah, but first you have to go all in and within the state of all-in-ness, steer the craft between

Scylla and Charybdis​


constant escape

winter withered, warm
Well lets imagine positive scenarios resulting from the corporate-administered normalization of psychedelics. What if it actually enables more people to think and feel beyond their parochial settings? Allows or inspires them to keep more open minds?