constant escape

winter withered, warm
If people start to believe that you can be a functional user of psychedelics without falling into bad hygiene or suffering losses of productivity, it actually seems like it could have profound impacts socially. If it becomes thoroughly normalized, that is. Normalized within the sphere of productivity. Psychedelic professionalism.
Well lets imagine positive scenarios resulting from the corporate-administered normalization of psychedelics. What if it actually enables more people to think and feel beyond their parochial settings? Allows or inspires them to keep more open minds?

thats a good thought exercise

It's a flaw to think of psychedelics or any drug as inherently anti establishment, if you start on that basis all kinds of useless assumptions and deductions follow
I mean, when i say its a good thought exercise, its v much the story being pushed on corporate medicinal psychedlics everywhere, its unavoidable

but on dissensus, no, its a good though exercise for dissensus

constant escape

winter withered, warm
And also, if you start on that basis, you're forever on the defense against corporate agendas, which are major vectors for change, and if they are just intrinsically demonized then its a self-fulfilling prophecy: unless we (the would-be psychedelic resistance) can think on their (the corporate) terms and sniff out futures that are favorable on both terms, then they will have no incentive or ability to inch toward our terms at all.


Well-known member
i dont want to inch them towards our terms. killing is the only option. no negotiation. you lot are mad.


Well-known member
well yes obviously moaning is fulfilling. its one of the most pleasureable and cathartic things a man can do along with self aggrandisement

constant escape

winter withered, warm
Granted, but short-term.

Capitulation need not be a delibidinizing strategy. Well it is if you process it as a defeat. But it can also be a realistic and pragmatic one, and one that can long-term bolster libinizational potential.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
If you consider the war to be an eternally continuous field of battles, then a capitulation here and there is likely good for humility. And come on man, they have several orders of magnitude more than us in terms of stock, etc.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
You can preserve your sense of control by impacting their psychic ontologies. Doesn't need to be considered an ultimate defeat, or a thoroughly delibidinizing event. I think its just a matter of how honestly can we assess our chances, what alliances seem mutually beneficial, etc. and there is an infinite field of possible approaches to such an alliance. But this infinity may be largely untapped by our current approaches, perspectives, etc.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
We needn't ossify into this or that strategy, the strategy ought to remain flexible, plastic, eternally mutable. Otherwise we preclude ourselves from really integrating the maximal array of feedback.