

So people think hummingbirds are the smallest birds but ladybirds are a lot smaller - strange that no-one 'spotted' this.

I hear the Woke are calling them personpeople now in order not to be sexist.

I'm available for weddings but not for Bar Mitzvahs until a resolution to the conflict in the Middle East.


Cat Malogen
Humming birds would gather round public pools along east coast states late summer

Admittedly I was still drinking but to be slothing under a sun lounger floating away to margaritaville, followed by what sounded like a hornet approaching but softer toned and less aggressive, pulled the shades aside and behold about 4 tiny spots of coloured plumes dipping in and out of lily flowers - Ruby Throated from reference searches

As for the rest of your post @mixed_biscuits you seem to be caught up in some form of self-inducing eschatological crisis - immanentize!